Issue |
Status |
Section |
Title |
Proposed Resolution |
Priority |
Duplicates |
3513(i) |
New |
3.43 [defns.prog.def.type] |
Fix definition of program-defined based on its uses |
Yes |
3 |
3669(i) |
New |
4.1.2 [intro.abstract] |
std::filesystem operations should be observable behaviour |
No |
3 |
2506(i) |
SG1 |
6.9.2 [intro.multithread] |
Underspecification of atomics |
No |
3 |
3105(i) |
New |
16 [library] |
T1 is convertible to T2 |
No |
3 |
2136(i) |
Open |
16.3.2 [structure] |
Postconditions vs. exceptions |
Yes |
3 |
3556(i) |
New | [structure.requirements] |
Specification of when semantic constraints are imposed by use of concepts
is unclear |
No |
3 |
3193(i) |
New | [structure.specifications] |
Mandates: and Expects: elements are not defined for types |
Yes |
3 |
3401(i) |
New | [structure.specifications] |
Is "as if by" equivalent to "equivalent to"? |
No |
3 |
3092(i) |
Open | [bitmask.types] |
Unclear semantics of enum class bitmask types |
Yes |
3 |
3977(i) |
New | [bitmask.types] |
constexpr and noexcept for operators for bitmask types |
Yes |
3 |
3620(i) |
New | [character.seq.general] |
What are execution character sets and execution wide-character sets (after P2314R4)? |
No |
3 |
4049(i) |
New |
16.4.2 [organization] |
C <foo.h> headers not in freestanding |
Yes |
3 |
3690(i) |
New | [contents] |
std::make_from_tuple etc. should find all tuple-like std::get overloads |
Yes |
3 |
3240(i) |
New | [using.headers] |
Headers declare more than entities |
No |
3 |
3640(i) |
New |
16.4.4 [utility.requirements] |
Clarify which exceptions are propagated |
Yes |
3 |
4075(i) |
SG1 |
16.4.4 [utility.requirements] |
Thread stability requirement on constructors and destructors |
No |
3 |
2146(i) |
Open | [utility.arg.requirements] |
Are reference types CopyConstructible /MoveConstructible /CopyAssignable /MoveAssignable /Destructible ? |
No |
3 |
2152(i) |
LEWG | [swappable.requirements] |
Instances of standard container types are not swappable |
Yes |
3 |
4155(i) |
New | [nullablepointer.requirements] |
Cpp17NullablePointer should require that some expression can be contextually converted to bool |
Yes |
3 |
2461(i) |
New | [allocator.requirements] |
Interaction between allocators and container exception safety guarantees |
No |
3 |
3044(i) |
New | [allocator.requirements] |
Strange specification of max_size() for an allocator |
Yes |
3 |
3157(i) |
New | [allocator.requirements] |
Allocator destroy and fancy pointer operations must be non-throwing |
Yes |
3 |
3682(i) |
New | [allocator.requirements.general] |
A Cpp17Allocator type can't silently ignore an unsupported alignment |
No |
3 |
4065(i) |
New | [allocator.requirements.general] |
Requirements for fancy pointers might be insufficient for self-referential implementation of containers |
Yes |
3 |
4128(i) |
New | [allocator.requirements.general] |
Allocator requirements should not allow rebinding conversions to be explicit |
Yes |
3 |
3928(i) |
New | [namespace.posix] |
Non-top-level namespace posix shouldn't be reserved |
Yes |
3 |
3550(i) |
New | [reserved.names] |
Names reserved by C for standard library not reserved by C++ |
No |
3 |
4033(i) |
New | [macro.names] |
§[macro.names] defining macros after importing the standard library |
Yes |
3 |
3920(i) |
New | [extern.names] |
Bad footnotes claiming external linkage for entities defined as macros |
No |
3 |
3142(i) |
New | [res.on.functions] |
std::foo<incomplete> should be ill-formed NDR |
Yes |
3 |
3511(i) |
New | [res.on.arguments] |
Clarify global permission to move |
Yes |
3 |
3429(i) |
New | [res.on.requirements] |
"models" should subsume like "satisfies" |
Yes |
3 |
4100(i) |
New | [global.functions] |
Default arguments and signatures of standard library non-member functions |
Yes |
3 |
2695(i) |
New | [member.functions] |
"As if" unclear in [member.functions] |
No |
3 |
2414(i) |
Open | [reentrancy] |
Member function reentrancy should be implementation-defined |
Yes |
3 |
4145(i) |
New | [] |
Unclear how [] apply to templated functions |
No |
3 |
3229(i) |
New | [res.on.exception.handling] |
§[res.on.exception.handling]#3 cannot apply to types with implicitly declared destructors |
Yes |
3 |
3854(i) |
New | [res.on.exception.handling] |
§[res.on.exception.handling]/3 should not be applied to all standard library types |
No |
3 |
4182(i) |
New |
17.2.3 [support.types.nullptr] |
Definition of NULL is too broad |
Yes |
3 |
3217(i) |
New |
17.3.1 [support.limits.general] |
<memory> and <execution> should define __cpp_lib_parallel_algorithm |
Yes |
3 |
3931(i) |
New |
17.3.2 [version.syn] |
Too many paper bump __cpp_lib_ranges |
Yes |
3 |
2730(i) |
Open |
17.3.5 [numeric.limits] |
numeric_limits primary template definition |
No |
3 |
3922(i) |
New | [numeric.limits.general] |
It's unclear whether numeric_limits can be specialized by users |
Yes |
3 |
3923(i) |
New | [numeric.limits.general] |
The specification of numeric_limits doesn't clearly distinguish between implementation requirements
and user requirements |
Yes |
3 |
3370(i) |
New |
17.4.1 [cstdint.syn] |
§[cstdint.syn]p2 and §[headers]p5 are not sufficiently clear |
No |
3 |
2815(i) |
New |
17.5 [support.start.term] |
quick_exit can deadlock |
Yes |
3 |
3084(i) |
New |
17.5 [support.start.term] |
Termination in C++ is unclear |
No |
3 |
2737(i) |
New | [new.delete.single] |
Consider relaxing object size restrictions for single-object allocation functions |
No |
3 |
3086(i) |
New | [new.delete.single] |
Possible problem in §[new.delete.single] |
Yes |
3 |
2303(i) |
New | [new.delete.placement] |
Explicit instantiation of std::vector<UserType> broken? |
No |
3 |
2508(i) |
New | [new.delete.dataraces] |
§[new.delete.dataraces] wording needs to be updated |
No |
3 |
4130(i) |
Open |
17.6.5 [ptr.launder] |
Preconditions for std::launder might be overly strict |
Yes |
3 |
3624(i) |
New |
17.7 [support.rtti] |
Inconsistency of <typeinfo> , <initializer_list> , and
<compare> in the standard library |
Yes |
3 |
2398(i) |
Open |
17.7.3 [] |
type_info 's destructor shouldn't be required to be virtual |
Yes |
3 |
4087(i) |
SG16 |
17.9.3 [exception] |
Standard exception messages have unspecified encoding |
Yes |
3 |
2453(i) |
New |
17.11 [support.initlist] |
§[iterator.range] and now [iterator.container] aren't available via <initializer_list> |
No |
3 |
3584(i) |
New |
17.12.3 [cmp.common] |
Clarify common comparison category conversions |
Yes |
3 |
3587(i) |
New |
17.12.4 [cmp.concept] |
std::three_way_comparable_with<T, U, void> can be satisfied but can't be modeled |
No |
3 |
3491(i) |
New |
17.12.6 [cmp.alg] |
What is a "decayed type"? |
No |
3 |
3932(i) |
New |
17.12.6 [cmp.alg] |
Expression-equivalence is sometimes unimplementable when passing prvalue expressions to comparison CPOs |
No |
3 |
3653(i) |
New |
17.13.2 [coroutine.syn] |
<coroutine> is freestanding, but uses std::hash which is not |
No |
3 |
3945(i) |
New |
17.14.2 [cstdarg.syn] |
§[cstdarg.syn] 'Compatible types' are undefined |
No |
3 |
3954(i) |
New |
17.15.1 [support.c.headers.general] |
Feature-test macros in C headers (<stddef.h> etc.) |
No |
3 |
3484(i) |
New |
17.15.7 [support.c.headers.other] |
Should <stddef.h> declare ::nullptr_t ? |
Yes |
3 |
3799(i) |
New |
17.15.7 [support.c.headers.other] |
Should <math.h> provide 3-argument ::hypot overloads? |
No |
3 |
3895(i) |
New |
18.3 [concepts.syn] |
Various relation concepts are missing default values of the second template parameters |
Yes |
3 |
3459(i) |
New |
18.4.4 [concept.convertible] |
Why doesn't std::convertible_to have semantic requirement when To is reference-to-function type? |
No |
3 |
3608(i) |
New |
18.4.4 [concept.convertible] |
convertible_to and temporary-bound references |
No |
3 |
4156(i) |
SG16 | [syserr.errcat.virtuals] |
error_category messages have unspecified encoding |
Yes |
3 |
3019(i) |
New | [syserr.errcat.derived] |
Presentation of "program defined classes derived from error_category " [syserr.errcat.derived] unclear and contains mistakes |
No |
3 |
3053(i) |
New | [syserr.errcode.overview] |
Prohibit error_code construction from rvalues of error_category |
Yes |
3 |
3162(i) |
New | [syserr.syserr.members] |
system_error::system_error(error_code ec) not explicit |
Yes |
3 |
3625(i) |
New |
19.6.2 [stacktrace.syn] |
Should <stacktrace> provide range access function templates? |
Yes |
3 |
3626(i) |
New | [stacktrace.basic.overview] |
Is std::basic_stacktrace required to use contiguous storage? |
Yes |
3 |
2421(i) |
New |
20.2.5 [ptr.align] |
Non-specification of handling zero size in std::align [ptr.align] |
No |
3 |
3192(i) |
New | [] |
§[] functions misbehave for const types |
Yes |
3 |
3665(i) |
New | [allocator.traits.types] |
Is std::allocator_traits<Alloc>::rebind_alloc SFINAE-friendly? |
No |
3 |
3916(i) |
New |
20.2.10 [default.allocator] |
allocator , polymorphic_allocator , and containers should forbid cv-qualified types |
No |
3 |
3917(i) |
New |
20.2.10 [default.allocator] |
Validity of allocator<void> and possibly polymorphic_allocator<void> should be clarified |
Yes |
3 |
3684(i) |
New | [allocator.members] |
std::allocator<T>::allocate_at_least in constant evaluation |
Yes |
3 |
2262(i) |
Open | [unique.ptr.single] |
Requirement for unique_ptr<T>::get_deleter()(p) to be able to destroy the unique_ptr |
Yes |
3 |
3159(i) |
New | [unique.ptr.single] |
§[unique.ptr.single] requirements on deleter may be too strict |
No |
3 |
3911(i) |
New | [unique.ptr.single.observers] |
unique_ptr 's operator* is missing a mandate |
Yes |
3 |
2594(i) |
New | [util.smartptr.shared] |
Contradicting definition of empty shared_ptr on shared_ptr(nullptr, d) |
Yes |
3 |
2906(i) |
New | [util.smartptr.shared.const] |
There is no ability to supply an allocator for the control block when constructing a shared_ptr from a
unique_ptr |
No |
3 |
3210(i) |
New | [util.smartptr.shared.create] |
allocate_shared is inconsistent about removing const from the pointer
passed to allocator construct and destroy |
Yes |
3 |
3637(i) |
New |
20.5.2 [mem.res.class] |
pmr::memory_resource::do_allocate needs clarification |
No |
3 |
3634(i) |
New |
20.5.4 [] |
When are static-duration memory_resource objects destroyed? |
No |
3 |
2848(i) |
New | [mem.res.pool.options] |
Pass-through threshold for pool allocator |
No |
3 |
2290(i) |
Open |
21 [meta] |
Top-level "SFINAE"-based constraints should get a separate definition in Clause 17 |
Yes |
3 |
2452(i) |
Core |
21 [meta] |
is_constructible , etc. and default arguments |
No |
3 |
2845(i) |
New |
21.3.2 [meta.rqmts] |
enable_if , result_of , common_type and aligned_storage do not meet the definition
of TransformationTrait |
No |
3 |
2077(i) |
Open | [meta.unary.prop] |
Further incomplete constraints for type traits |
No |
3 |
2116(i) |
Open | [meta.unary.prop] |
is_nothrow_constructible and destructors |
No |
3 |
2358(i) |
Open | [meta.unary.prop] |
Apparently-bogus definition of is_empty type trait |
Yes |
3 |
2496(i) |
New | [meta.unary.prop] |
Certain hard-to-avoid errors not in the immediate context are not allowed to be triggered by
the evaluation of type traits |
No |
3 |
2827(i) |
New | [meta.unary.prop] |
is_trivially_constructible and non-trivial destructors |
No |
3 |
3697(i) |
New | [meta.unary.prop] |
Preconditions of reference_constructs_from_temporary/reference_converts_from_temporary seem wrong |
Yes |
3 |
3929(i) |
New | [meta.unary.prop] |
Preconditions for type traits should be Mandates |
Yes |
3 |
3174(i) |
New |
21.3.7 [meta.rel] |
Precondition on is_convertible is too strong |
Yes |
3 |
3400(i) |
New |
21.3.7 [meta.rel] |
Does is_nothrow_convertible consider destruction of the destination type? |
No |
3 |
3205(i) |
New | [meta.trans.other] |
decay_t in the new common_type fallback should be remove_cvref_t |
Yes |
3 |
2599(i) |
New |
22.2.6 [declval] |
Library incomplete type permission phrase is unclear |
No |
3 |
2289(i) |
Open |
22.3.2 [pairs.pair] |
constexpr guarantees of defaulted functions still insufficient |
No |
3 |
3342(i) |
New |
22.3.2 [pairs.pair] |
Library wording uses "initializes x with y ", which is underspecified |
No |
3 |
2766(i) |
New |
22.3.3 [pairs.spec] |
Swapping non-swappable types |
Yes |
3 |
3166(i) |
New |
22.3.4 [pair.astuple] |
No such descriptive element as Value: |
No |
3 |
3378(i) |
New |
22.4.2 [tuple.syn] |
tuple_size_v/tuple_element_t should be available when tuple_size/tuple_element are |
Yes |
3 |
2528(i) |
New | [tuple.cnstr] |
Order of std::tuple construction unspecified |
No |
3 |
3583(i) |
New | [tuple.cnstr] |
Clarify if/when short circuiting applies to conditions in Constraints: elements |
No |
3 |
4040(i) |
New |
22.4.7 [tuple.helper] |
Contradictory specification of std::tuple_size |
No |
3 |
2472(i) |
New |
22.4.9 [tuple.rel] |
Heterogeneous comparisons in the standard library can result in ambiguities |
No |
3 |
3882(i) |
New |
22.4.9 [tuple.rel] |
tuple relational operators have confused friendships |
Yes |
3 |
2990(i) |
Open |
22.5.3 [optional.optional] |
optional::value_type is not always a value type |
Yes |
3 |
2811(i) |
New | [optional.ctor] |
"Selected constructor" wording is incorrect for optional /variant /any |
Yes |
3 |
2746(i) |
New | [optional.assign] |
Inconsistency between requirements for emplace between optional and variant |
Yes |
3 |
3424(i) |
New | [optional.observe] |
optional::value_or should never return a cv-qualified type |
Yes |
3 |
3613(i) |
New |
22.5.4 [optional.nullopt] |
Specify that nullopt_t is copyable |
Yes |
3 |
3627(i) |
New |
22.5.9 [optional.specalg] |
Inconsistent specifications for std::make_optional overloads |
Yes |
3 |
2881(i) |
New |
22.6.3 [variant.variant] |
Adopt section III of P0308R0 |
No |
3 |
3069(i) |
New | [variant.assign] |
Move assigning variant 's subobject corrupts data |
Yes |
3 |
3991(i) |
New | [variant.assign] |
variant 's move assignment should not be guaranteed to produce a valueless by exception state |
Yes |
3 |
3416(i) |
New |
22.7.4 [any.class] |
The Throws: specification of std::any does not mention allocation |
No |
3 |
3423(i) |
New |
22.7.5 [any.nonmembers] |
std::any_cast should never return a cv-qualified type |
Yes |
3 |
2348(i) |
Open |
22.9.2 [template.bitset] |
charT('1') is not the wide equivalent of '1' |
Yes |
3 |
4187(i) |
New |
22.9.2 [template.bitset] |
bitset::reference should be const-assignable |
Yes |
3 |
4007(i) |
New |
22.10.4 [func.require] |
Mystic prohibition of calling a volatile -qualified perfect forwarding call wrapper |
Yes |
3 |
3046(i) |
New |
22.10.6 [refwrap] |
Do not require reference_wrapper to support non-referenceable function types |
Yes |
3 |
2491(i) |
New |
22.10.8 [comparisons] |
std::less<T*> in constant expression |
Yes |
3 |
2547(i) |
New |
22.10.8 [comparisons] |
Container requirements (and other library text) should say "strict total order", not just "total order" |
No |
3 |
3493(i) |
New | [func.wrap.func.con] |
The constructor of std::function taking an F is missing a constraint |
Yes |
3 |
3642(i) |
New | [func.wrap.move.ctor] |
move_only_function assignment operators seem to be defined suboptimal |
Yes |
3 |
4127(i) |
New | [] |
The Standard Library should not use predicates of the form pred(*i) != false |
Yes |
3 |
3512(i) |
New |
22.10.19 [unord.hash] |
Incorrect exception safety guarantee for unordered containers |
No |
3 |
3059(i) |
New |
23.2 [container.requirements] |
Wrong requirements for map-like associative container assignment? |
No |
3 |
1521(i) |
Open |
23.2.2 [container.requirements.general] |
Requirements on internal pointer representations in containers |
Yes |
3 |
2321(i) |
Open |
23.2.2 [container.requirements.general] |
Moving containers should (usually) be required to preserve iterators |
Yes |
3 |
2206(i) |
Open |
23.2.4 [sequence.reqmts] |
Inaccuracy in initializer_list constructor requirements |
Yes |
3 |
2705(i) |
New |
23.2.4 [sequence.reqmts] |
Questionable precondition on Sequence containers a.assign(n, t) |
Yes |
3 |
3297(i) |
New |
23.2.4 [sequence.reqmts] |
Useless sequence container requirement |
Yes |
3 |
4159(i) |
New |
23.2.5 [container.node] |
Uses-allocator construction mechanisms should be opted out for node handles |
Yes |
3 |
3438(i) |
New | [container.node.overview] |
§[container.node.overview] missing multiset /map cases |
No |
3 |
2215(i) |
Open |
23.2.7 [associative.reqmts] |
(unordered) associative container functors should be CopyConstructible |
Yes |
3 |
2227(i) |
Open |
23.2.7 [associative.reqmts] |
Stateful comparison objects in associative containers |
No |
3 |
2362(i) |
New |
23.2.7 [associative.reqmts] |
unique, associative emplace() should not move/copy the mapped_type constructor
arguments when no insertion happens |
No |
3 |
2844(i) |
Open |
23.2.7 [associative.reqmts] |
Stability of a_uniq.insert(i, j) |
No |
3 |
3227(i) |
New |
23.2.7 [associative.reqmts] |
Ambiguity issue for extract in ordered and unordered associative containers |
Yes |
3 |
3577(i) |
New | [associative.reqmts.general] |
Merging an (unordered) associative container with itself |
No |
3 |
3691(i) |
New | [associative.reqmts.general] |
Replacement of keys in associative containers |
Yes |
3 |
4132(i) |
New | [associative.reqmts.general] |
Throws specifications need to include boolean-testable operations |
Yes |
3 |
1175(i) |
Open |
23.2.8 [unord.req] |
unordered complexity |
Yes |
3 |
2198(i) |
Open |
23.2.8 [unord.req] |
max_load_factor(z) makes no strong guarantees, but bans useful behavior |
Yes |
3 |
2189(i) |
Open | [unord.req.except] |
Throwing swap breaks unordered containers' state |
No |
3 |
617(i) |
Open |
23.3.3 [array] |
std::array is a sequence that doesn't satisfy the sequence requirements? |
No |
3 |
2823(i) |
Open | [array.overview] |
std::array initialization is still not permissive enough |
Yes |
3 |
3219(i) |
New | [array.overview] |
std::array overview container requirements are incorrect |
Yes |
3 |
3488(i) |
Open | [array.special] |
Is array<const int, 0> swappable or not? |
Yes |
3 |
2157(i) |
Open | [] |
How does std::array<T,0> initialization work when T is not default-constructible? |
Yes |
3 |
3308(i) |
New | [deque.modifiers] |
vector and deque iterator erase invalidates elements even when no change occurs |
Yes |
3 |
4123(i) |
New | [deque.modifiers] |
Container effects use "the assignment operator or move assignment operator" |
Yes |
3 |
1102(i) |
Open | [vector.capacity] |
std::vector 's reallocation policy still unclear |
Yes |
3 |
2158(i) |
Open | [vector.capacity] |
Conditional copy/move in std::vector |
Yes |
3 |
3758(i) |
New | [vector.capacity] |
Element-relocating operations of std::vector and std::deque
should conditionally require Cpp17CopyInsertable in their preconditions |
No |
3 |
1422(i) |
Open |
23.3.14 [vector.bool] |
vector<bool> iterators are not random access |
No |
3 |
3638(i) |
New |
23.3.14 [vector.bool] |
vector<bool>::swap(reference, reference) is useless |
Yes |
3 |
3531(i) |
New | [map.overview] |
LWG 3025 broke previous valid code |
Yes |
3 |
2713(i) |
New |
23.5 [unord] |
More missing allocator-extended constructors for unordered containers |
Yes |
3 |
3189(i) |
New |
23.6.4 [priority.queue] |
Missing requirement for std::priority_queue |
No |
3 |
3161(i) |
Open |
23.6.6 [stack] |
Container adapters mandate use of emplace_back but don't require it |
Yes |
3 |
3966(i) |
New | [] |
The value_type and reference members of std::flat_(multi)map::(const_)iterator are unclear |
No |
3 |
3963(i) |
New | [] |
Different std::flat_map /std::flat_multimap specializations should be able to share same nested classes |
Yes |
3 |
4000(i) |
New | [] |
flat_map::insert_range 's Effects is not quite right |
Yes |
3 |
4180(i) |
New | [flat.multiset.modifiers] |
Inconsistent constraints on flat_foo::emplace |
Yes |
3 |
3995(i) |
New |
23.7.3 [views.multidim] |
Issue with custom index conversion in <mdspan> |
No |
3 |
3952(i) |
New |
24.2 [iterator.synopsis] |
iter_common_reference_t does not conform to the definition of indirectly_readable |
Yes |
3 |
4080(i) |
New |
24.3.2 [iterator.assoc.types] |
Presumed value and difference types of an iterator type in ranges and non-ranges algorithms |
No |
3 |
3615(i) |
New | [incrementable.traits] |
The last specialization of incrementable_traits has wrong operand types |
Yes |
3 |
3838(i) |
New | [incrementable.traits] |
The last specialization of incrementable_traits is under-constrained |
Yes |
3 |
3287(i) |
New | [iterator.traits] |
Exposition-only cpp17-input-iterator concept is needlessly complex |
Yes |
3 |
3890(i) |
New | [iterator.concept.winc] |
ABI issue for integer-class types |
Yes |
3 |
3716(i) |
New | [iterator.concept.forward] |
§[iterator.concept.forward][forward.iterators] Two different definitions of multi-pass guarantee |
No |
3 |
484(i) |
Open | [input.iterators] |
Convertible to T |
No |
3 |
2035(i) |
Open | [output.iterators] |
Output iterator requirements are broken |
Yes |
3 |
2038(i) |
Open | [output.iterators] |
Missing definition for incrementable iterator |
No |
3 |
2931(i) |
Open |
24.4.3 [iterator.operations] |
Missed optimization opportunity with single-argument std::next |
No |
3 |
3197(i) |
New |
24.4.3 [iterator.operations] |
std::prev should not require BidirectionalIterator |
Yes |
3 |
3344(i) |
New |
24.4.3 [iterator.operations] |
advance(i, most-negative) and prev(i, most-negative) |
Yes |
3 |
3439(i) |
New |
24.4.3 [iterator.operations] |
"Distance " template parameter is underspecified |
No |
3 |
3623(i) |
New | [reverse.iterators.general] |
Uses of std::reverse_iterator with containers should not require manually including <iterator> |
Yes |
3 |
2595(i) |
New | [reverse.iterator] |
reverse_iterator::operator[] 's return type revisited |
Yes |
3 |
3602(i) |
New | [reverse.iter.cons] |
reverse_iterator 's converting assignment is overconstrained |
Yes |
3 |
3725(i) |
New | [reverse.iter.elem] |
reverse_iterator::operator-> should not use prev for non-pointer iterators |
Yes |
3 |
3986(i) |
New |
24.5.3 [const.iterators] |
basic_const_iterator doesn't work with optional |
No |
3 |
3988(i) |
Open |
24.5.3 [const.iterators] |
Should as_const_view and basic_const_iterator provide base() ? |
Yes |
3 |
4120(i) |
New | [move.iterator] |
move_iterator should provide iterator_category only when it models
forward_iterator |
Yes |
3 |
4125(i) |
New | [move.iterator] |
move_iterator 's default constructor should be constrained |
Yes |
3 |
3783(i) |
New | [common.iterator] |
views::common may not be a range adaptor object |
Yes |
3 |
4092(i) |
New | [common.iterator] |
The monotonic version of common_iterator::operator== is underconstrained |
Yes |
3 |
3748(i) |
New | [common.iter.cmp] |
common_iterator and counted_iterator ' operator- are missing cast to return type |
Yes |
3 |
2366(i) |
New |
24.6.4 [istreambuf.iterator] |
istreambuf_iterator end-of-stream equality |
Yes |
3 |
3188(i) |
New |
24.6.4 [istreambuf.iterator] |
istreambuf_iterator::pointer should not be unspecified |
Yes |
3 |
3108(i) |
New | [istreambuf.iterator.proxy] |
istreambuf_iterator::proxy::operator* should be const |
Yes |
3 |
3537(i) |
New |
24.7 [iterator.range] |
§[iterator.range] Missing noexcept for std::rbegin /rend for arrays and
initializer_list |
No |
3 |
4131(i) |
New |
24.7 [iterator.range] |
Including <optional> doesn't provide std::begin/end |
Yes |
3 |
4181(i) |
New |
24.7 [iterator.range] |
Some ranges have negative ssize |
No |
3 |
4010(i) |
New | [range.subrange.access] |
subrange::advance should be improved |
Yes |
3 |
3985(i) |
New | [] |
ranges::to should Mandates C not to be view |
Yes |
3 |
4008(i) |
New | [] |
§[] ranges::to may cause infinite recursion if range_value_t<C>
is a non-move-constructible range |
Yes |
3 |
4018(i) |
New | [] |
ranges::to 's copy branch is underconstrained |
Yes |
3 |
3983(i) |
New | [range.utility.conv.adaptors] |
ranges::to adaptors are underconstrained |
Yes |
3 |
3907(i) |
New |
25.6 [range.factories] |
Can iterator types of range adaptors and range factories be SCARY? |
No |
3 |
3614(i) |
New | [range.iota.view] |
iota_view::size and the most negative signed integer values |
Yes |
3 |
3846(i) |
New | [range.iota.iterator] |
iota_view::iterator::operator- is overconstrained |
Yes |
3 |
4002(i) |
New | [range.iota.iterator] |
The definition of iota_view::iterator::iterator_concept should be improved |
Yes |
3 |
3609(i) |
New | [range.iota.sentinel] |
std::ranges::iota_view<int, long> has non-subtractable iterator and
sentinel types |
Yes |
3 |
3955(i) |
New | [range.repeat.view] |
Add noexcept to several repeat_view[::iterator] member functions |
Yes |
3 |
3763(i) |
New | [range.repeat.iterator] |
Should range adaptor iterators only provide iterator_category when its
difference_type is not an integer-class type? |
Yes |
3 |
3679(i) |
25.6.6 [range.istream] |
Is <ranges> sufficient for istream_view ? |
No |
3 |
3489(i) |
New | [range.istream.iterator] |
Improve istream_view wording |
Yes |
3 |
3829(i) |
New | [] |
as_rvalue_view::end should improve non-common case |
Yes |
3 |
3730(i) |
New | [range.drop.view] |
std::ranges::drop_view may have different size type from its underlying view |
Yes |
3 |
3873(i) |
New | [range.join.with.view] |
join_with_view 's const begin is underconstrained |
No |
3 |
3852(i) |
New | [range.join.with.iterator] |
join_with_view::iterator 's iter_move and iter_swap should be conditionally noexcept |
Yes |
3 |
4059(i) |
New | [range.join.with.iterator] |
Leaky abstraction in join_with_view 's iterator |
Yes |
3 |
3599(i) |
New | [range.lazy.split.view] |
The const overload of lazy_split_view::begin should be constrained by const Pattern |
Yes |
3 |
3685(i) |
New | [range.lazy.split.view] |
In lazy_split_view , CTAD doesn't work when given an input_range input and a tiny-range pattern |
Yes |
3 |
3686(i) |
New | [range.lazy.split.outer] |
In lazy_split_view , comparing a default-constructed outer-iterator or
inner-iterator with std::default_sentinel results in null pointer dereference |
Yes |
3 |
4017(i) |
New | [range.split.iterator] |
Behavior of std::views::split on an empty range |
Yes |
3 |
4081(i) |
New | [range.concat.iterator] |
concat_view::iterator::operator- is overconstrained |
Yes |
3 |
4089(i) |
New | [range.concat.iterator] |
concat_view::iterator 's iter_swap is overconstrained |
Yes |
3 |
4019(i) |
SG9 |
25.7.21 [range.reverse] |
Reversing an infinite range leads to an infinite loop |
No |
3 |
4097(i) |
LEWG | [range.reverse.overview] |
views::reverse should be specialized for some view types |
Yes |
3 |
3830(i) |
New | [range.reverse.view] |
reverse_view should not cache when ranges::next has constant time complexity |
Yes |
3 |
3832(i) |
New | [range.elements.iterator] |
Missing change for element_view::iterator in LWG 3798 |
Yes |
3 |
4114(i) |
New | [range.elements.iterator] |
elements_view::iterator::operator* missing conditional noexcept specification |
Yes |
3 |
3731(i) |
New | [] |
zip_view and adjacent_view are underconstrained |
Yes |
3 |
4057(i) |
New |
25.8.6 [coro.generator.iterator] |
generator::iterator 's operator* is not noexcept when it can be |
Yes |
3 |
1238(i) |
Open |
26 [algorithms] |
Defining algorithms taking iterator for range |
No |
3 |
2963(i) |
New |
26 [algorithms] |
Algorithms with underspecified iterator requirements |
No |
3 |
3049(i) |
Open |
26.2 [algorithms.requirements] |
Missing wording allowing algorithms to use copies of function objects as substitutes for their parameters |
Yes |
3 |
3793(i) |
New |
26.6.5 [alg.foreach] |
Requirements for some algorithms' Size template parameters are unclear |
No |
3 |
3969(i) |
New |
26.6.18 [alg.fold] |
std::ranges::fold_left_first_with_iter should be more ADL-proof |
Yes |
3 |
4093(i) |
New |
26.6.18 [alg.fold] |
ranges::fold_left_first_with_iter incorrectly constructs optional<U> |
Yes |
3 |
4094(i) |
New |
26.6.18 [alg.fold] |
ranges::fold_meow is overconstrained |
Yes |
3 |
2471(i) |
Open |
26.7.1 [alg.copy] |
copy_n 's number of InputIterator increments unspecified |
No |
3 |
3089(i) |
New |
26.7.1 [alg.copy] |
copy_n should require non-overlapping ranges |
Yes |
3 |
4103(i) |
New |
26.7.9 [alg.unique] |
ranges::unique_copy 's constraints for the case where result is an
input_iterator are not quite right |
Yes |
3 |
2267(i) |
New | [partial.sort.copy] |
partial_sort_copy underspecified for ranges of two different types |
No |
3 |
4162(i) |
New |
26.8.3 [alg.nth.element] |
Worst time complexity of non-parallel versions of nth_element is underspecified |
Yes |
3 |
4111(i) |
New |
26.8.4 [] |
LWG 270 and ranges version of binary search algorithms |
No |
3 |
3534(i) |
LEWG | [set.intersection] |
ranges::set_intersection and ranges::set_difference algorithm requirements are too strict |
Yes |
3 |
3029(i) |
Open | [pop.heap] |
pop_heap over-constrains input |
Yes |
3 |
3487(i) |
New |
26.10 [numeric.ops] |
Missing precondition on input and output aliasing of [numeric.ops] |
No |
3 |
3463(i) |
New |
26.10.11 [transform.inclusive.scan] |
Incorrect requirements for transform_inclusive_scan without initial value |
Yes |
3 |
3063(i) |
New |
26.11 [specialized.algorithms] |
Parallel algorithms in <memory> are underspecified |
No |
3 |
3628(i) |
New |
26.11 [specialized.algorithms] |
"Effects: Equivalent to:" and uninitialized memory algorithms |
No |
3 |
3647(i) |
New |
26.11.2 [special.mem.concepts] |
nothrow-input-iterator constraints should not mention copying |
Yes |
3 |
3888(i) |
New |
26.11.8 [specialized.construct] |
Most ranges uninitialized memory algorithms are underconstrained |
Yes |
3 |
3889(i) |
New |
26.11.9 [specialized.destroy] |
std::(ranges::)destroy_at should destroy array elements in the decreasing index order |
Yes |
3 |
3942(i) |
New |
27.2.4 [char.traits.specializations] |
Inconsistent use of const char_type& in standard specializations of std::char_traits |
Yes |
3 |
2959(i) |
New | [char.traits.specializations.char16.t] |
char_traits<char16_t>::eof is a valid UTF-16 code unit |
No |
3 |
3989(i) |
New |
27.3 [string.view] |
The whole range for an iterator obtained from a std::span or std::basic_string_view is not clear |
No |
3 |
3457(i) |
New |
27.3.3 [string.view.template] |
*this is not invalidated |
Yes |
3 |
3339(i) |
New |
27.4.3 [basic.string] |
Move-constructed empty-container capacity |
No |
3 |
3451(i) |
New |
27.4.3 [basic.string] |
Inconsistently explicit deduction guides |
Yes |
3 |
4029(i) |
New | [basic.string.general] |
basic_string accidentally fails to meet the reversible container requirements |
Yes |
3 |
3663(i) |
New | [string.cons] |
basic_string(const T&, const Alloc&) turns moves into copies |
Yes |
3 |
3662(i) |
New | [string.append] |
basic_string::append/assign(NTBS, pos, n) suboptimal |
Yes |
3 |
3837(i) |
New | [string.erasure] |
std::erase_if overloads for non-associative containers should move (and
not copy) their predicate object |
Yes |
3 |
2238(i) |
Open |
27.5 [c.strings] |
Problematic iterator-pair constructor of containers |
No |
3 |
3456(i) |
New |
28.2.3 [charconv.from.chars] |
Pattern used by std::from_chars is underspecified |
Yes |
3 |
3353(i) |
New | [locale] |
locale 's copy assignment operator should return locale& |
Yes |
3 |
3337(i) |
New | [locale.codecvt.virtuals] |
What is "is initialized" supposed to mean? |
No |
3 |
3689(i) |
New | [facet.num.get.virtuals] |
num_get overflow determination unclear and incorrect |
No |
3 |
2117(i) |
Open | [facet.num.put.virtuals] |
ios_base manipulators should have showgrouping/noshowgrouping |
No |
3 |
2702(i) |
New | [facet.num.put.virtuals] |
num_put::do_put(..., bool) performs ill-formed do_put call |
No |
3 |
2703(i) |
New | [facet.num.put.virtuals] |
No provision for fill-padding when boolalpha is set |
No |
3 |
3275(i) |
New | [locale.time.get.virtuals] |
Why does time_get::do_get require a valid pointer when none of the others do? |
Yes |
3 |
2983(i) |
New | [] |
money_put::do_put underspecified |
Yes |
3 |
2691(i) |
New | [locale.moneypunct] |
money_base::space and do_put : U+0020 versus fill |
Yes |
3 |
3651(i) |
New |
28.5 [format] |
Unspecified lifetime guarantees for the format string |
No |
3 |
3641(i) |
New |
28.5.1 [format.syn] |
Add operator== to format_to_n_result |
Yes |
3 |
3939(i) |
New | [format.string.std] |
§[format.string.std] char is not formatted as a character when charT is wchar_t |
No |
3 |
4090(i) |
SG16 | [format.string.std] |
Underspecified use of locale facets for locale-dependent std::format |
No |
3 |
3993(i) |
New | [formatter.requirements] |
The parse function of a BasicFormatter type needs to be constexpr |
Yes |
3 |
3943(i) |
New | [format.formattable] |
Clarify lifetime requirements of BasicFormatter and Formatter |
Yes |
3 |
3706(i) |
New | [format.formatter.spec] |
How does std::format work with character arrays of unknown bound? |
No |
3 |
4107(i) |
New | [format.range.fmtmap] |
Map formatter may conflict with user-defined specializations of pair /tuple formatters |
Yes |
3 |
2490(i) |
New |
28.6 [re] |
<regex> needs lots of noexcept |
No |
3 |
2431(i) |
New |
28.6.2 [re.req] |
Missing regular expression traits requirements |
No |
3 |
3606(i) |
New |
28.6.2 [re.req] |
Missing regex_traits::locale_type requirements |
No |
3 |
3998(i) |
New |
28.6.4 [re.const] |
Constants in std::regex_constants should be allowed to be enumerators |
No |
3 |
2331(i) |
Open | [re.synopt] |
regex_constants::collate 's effects are inaccurately summarized |
Yes |
3 |
3605(i) |
New | [re.matchflag] |
regex_constants::match_prev_avail is underspecified |
No |
3 |
2338(i) |
Open |
28.6.6 [re.traits] |
§[re.traits]/7 expects of locale facets something not guaranteed by [locale.facet]/4 |
Yes |
3 |
3261(i) |
New |
28.6.7 [re.regex] |
regex components' noexcept annotations appear broken for POCMA or throwing
BidirectionalIterator |
No |
3 |
3341(i) |
New | [re.regex.construct] |
basic_regex range constructor: Missing requirements for iterator types |
No |
3 |
3603(i) |
New | [re.regex.construct] |
Matching of null characters by regular expressions is underspecified |
No |
3 |
3604(i) |
New | [re.regex.construct] |
What is the effect of an invalid value of type syntax_option_type ? |
No |
3 |
2137(i) |
Open | [re.regex.assign] |
Misleadingly constrained post-condition in the presence of exceptions |
Yes |
3 |
3126(i) |
New |
28.6.8 [re.submatch] |
There's no std::sub_match::compare(string_view) overload |
Yes |
3 |
2216(i) |
New | [re.alg.replace] |
regex_replace(basic_string) allocator handling |
No |
3 |
2220(i) |
Open | [re.tokiter.comp] |
Under-specification of operator== for regex_token_iterator |
Yes |
3 |
2987(i) |
New |
28.6.12 [re.grammar] |
Relationship between traits_inst.lookup_collatename and the regex FSM is underspecified with
regards to ClassAtomCollatingElement |
No |
3 |
4161(i) |
New |
29.4 [complex.numbers] |
Some free functions don't automatically work for program-defined std::complex<NonFloatingPoint> |
No |
3 |
3934(i) |
New |
29.4.3 [complex] |
std::complex<T>::operator=(const T&) has no specification |
Yes |
3 |
2714(i) |
New |
29.4.6 [complex.ops] |
complex stream extraction underspecified |
Yes |
3 |
2846(i) |
New |
29.4.10 [cmplx.over] |
Undefined phrase "effectively cast" |
Yes |
3 |
3402(i) |
New | [rand.dist.bern.negbin] |
Wording for negative_binomial_distribution is unclear as a consequence of LWG 2406 resolution |
No |
3 |
2847(i) |
New |
29.7.1 [cmath.syn] |
sin(float) should call sinf(float) |
No |
3 |
3093(i) |
New |
29.7.2 [c.math.abs] |
LWG 2294/2192 missed a std::abs overload |
No |
3 |
3172(i) |
New |
29.7.3 [c.math.hypot3] |
3-arg std::hypot is underspecified compared to the 2-arg overload |
Yes |
3 |
3066(i) |
New |
29.7.6 [sf.cmath] |
"report a domain error" in [sf.cmath]/1 is underspecified |
No |
3 |
4185(i) |
New |
29.9.7 [linalg.helpers] |
Ill-formed, no diagnostic required on runtime behavior |
No |
3 |
3090(i) |
New |
30.5.2 [time.duration.cons] |
What is §[time.duration.cons]p4's "no overflow is induced in the conversion" intended to mean? |
Yes |
3 |
3503(i) |
New |
30.5.8 [time.duration.cast] |
chrono::ceil has surprising requirement |
Yes |
3 |
2383(i) |
Open |
30.5.9 [time.duration.literals] |
Overflow cannot be ill-formed for chrono::duration integer literals |
No |
3 |
4193(i) |
New |
30.11.2 [] |
§[] the specification uses the undefined term "thread-safe" |
No |
3 |
4067(i) |
New | [] |
Inconsistency and potential infinity meta-recursion in std::chrono::zoned_time 's constructors |
Yes |
3 |
4139(i) |
New |
30.11.8 [] |
§[] recursive constraint in <=> |
No |
3 |
3831(i) |
New |
30.12 [time.format] |
Two-digit formatting of negative year is ambiguous |
Yes |
3 |
3844(i) |
Open |
30.12 [time.format] |
Non-numeric formats for negative durations |
Yes |
3 |
3856(i) |
New |
30.12 [time.format] |
Unclear which conversion specifiers are valid for each chrono type |
Yes |
3 |
3921(i) |
New |
30.12 [time.format] |
Is std::chrono::duration<std::int64_t, std::ratio<INT64_MAX - 1, INT64_MAX>>{40}
required to be correctly formatted? |
No |
3 |
4118(i) |
New |
30.12 [time.format] |
How should duration formatters format custom rep types? |
Yes |
3 |
3960(i) |
New |
30.13 [time.parse] |
How does chrono::parse handle duplicated data? |
Yes |
3 |
3961(i) |
New |
30.13 [time.parse] |
Does chrono::parse check format strings? |
Yes |
3 |
3962(i) |
New |
30.13 [time.parse] |
What is the "decimal precision of the input"? |
Yes |
3 |
423(i) |
Open |
31 [input.output] |
Effects of negative streamsize in iostreams |
Yes |
3 |
3696(i) |
New |
31.2.2 [stream.types] |
"Basic integral types" should not be used |
No |
3 |
2675(i) |
New | [ios.base.callback] |
register_callback can fail |
No |
3 |
4192(i) |
New | [ios.base.cons] |
§[ios.base.cons] ios_base members may not have indeterminate values after construction |
Yes |
3 |
2504(i) |
New |
31.6.3 [streambuf] |
basic_streambuf is not an abstract class |
No |
3 |
3658(i) |
New | [] |
basic_streambuf::sputn is both overspecified and underspecified |
Yes |
3 |
2497(i) |
New | [ostream.sentry] |
Use of uncaught_exception() |
Yes |
3 |
4101(i) |
New | [ostream.inserters.arithmetic] |
LWG 117 loses the sign for negative NaN on some architectures |
Yes |
3 |
3501(i) |
New | [ostream.manip] |
basic_syncbuf -related manipulators refer to some Allocator without defining it |
Yes |
3 |
3937(i) |
New |
31.7.7 [std.manip] |
I/O manipulators should be specified in terms of base classes |
No |
3 |
2984(i) |
New |
31.7.8 [ext.manip] |
put_money(99) is unnecessarily undefined |
Yes |
3 |
3309(i) |
New |
31.8 [string.streams] |
Is <ios> implicitly #include d by <sstream> , <fstream> etc.? |
No |
3 |
3097(i) |
New | [stringbuf.virtuals] |
basic_stringbuf seekoff effects trigger undefined behavior and have contradictory returns |
No |
3 |
3496(i) |
New | [syncstream.syncbuf.members] |
What does "uniquely associated" mean for basic_syncbuf::emit() ? |
No |
3 |
3497(i) |
New | [syncstream.syncbuf.members] |
Postconditions for basic_syncbuf::emit() |
No |
3 |
3098(i) |
New | [fs.path.decompose] |
Misleading example for filesystem::path::filename() |
Yes |
3 |
3699(i) |
New | [fs.path.gen] |
lexically_relative on UNC drive paths (\\?\C:\... ) results in a default-constructed value |
No |
3 |
3794(i) |
New | [fs.path.itr] |
std::filesystem::path::iterator::reference should be allowed to be std::filesystem::path |
Yes |
3 |
2947(i) |
New | [fs.enum.path.format] |
Clarify several filesystem terms |
No |
3 |
3078(i) |
New |
31.12.10 [] |
directory_entry , directory_iterator and recursive_directory_iterator perform needless path copies |
No |
3 |
3668(i) |
New | [fs.dir.itr.members] |
[recursive_]directory_iterator constructors refer to undefined options |
Yes |
3 |
3056(i) |
New | [fs.op.copy.file] |
copy_file() copies which attributes? |
Yes |
3 |
3744(i) |
New | [fs.op.copy.symlink] |
copy_symlink(junction, new_symlink) 's behavior is unclear |
No |
3 |
2819(i) |
New |
32.2.5 [thread.req.lockable] |
Unspecified Return type: elements |
Yes |
3 |
3499(i) |
New | [thread.req.lockable.timed] |
Timed lockable and mutex requirements are imprecise about duration and time_point |
No |
3 |
3924(i) |
New |
32.3.1 [thread.stoptoken.intro] |
Stop token data race avoidance requirements unclear |
Yes |
3 |
3516(i) |
New | [] |
thread::id spaceship may be inconsistent with equality |
Yes |
3 |
3475(i) |
New | [thread.thread.constr] |
std::thread 's constructor needs to be able to report general memory allocation failures |
Yes |
3 |
3633(i) |
New |
32.5 [atomics] |
Atomics are copy constructible and copy assignable from volatile atomics |
Yes |
3 |
3220(i) |
New |
32.5.2 [atomics.syn] |
P0558 broke conforming C++14 uses of atomic shared_ptr |
Yes |
3 |
3941(i) |
Open |
32.5.4 [atomics.order] |
§[atomics.order] inadvertently prohibits widespread implementation techniques |
No |
3 |
4004(i) |
SG1 |
32.5.4 [atomics.order] |
The load and store operation in §[atomics.order] p1 is ambiguous |
No |
3 |
4174(i) |
SG1 |
32.5.4 [atomics.order] |
How does [atomics.order] p3 apply when then modification is an initialization? |
No |
3 |
3263(i) |
New |
32.5.6 [atomics.wait] |
Atomic waiting function calls should only be unblocked once |
Yes |
3 |
3409(i) |
New | [atomics.ref.ops] |
Too lax description of atomic_ref<T>::required_alignment |
Yes |
3 |
3417(i) |
SG1 | [atomics.types.operations] |
Missing volatile atomic deprecations |
Yes |
3 |
3047(i) |
New | [] |
atomic compound assignment operators can cause undefined behavior when corresponding
fetch_meow members don't |
Yes |
3 |
3906(i) |
New | [atomics.types.pointer] |
"Undefined address" is undefined |
No |
3 |
3418(i) |
New |
32.5.9 [atomics.nonmembers] |
Deprecated free functions in <atomic> |
Yes |
3 |
3343(i) |
Open |
32.7.3 [thread.condition.nonmember] |
Ordering of calls to unlock() and notify_all() in Effects element of notify_all_at_thread_exit() should be reversed |
Yes |
3 |
3504(i) |
New |
32.7.4 [thread.condition.condvar] |
condition_variable::wait_for is overspecified |
Yes |
3 |
3898(i) |
New | [thread.barrier.class] |
Possibly unintended preconditions for completion functions of std::barrier |
Yes |
3 |
2530(i) |
Open |
32.10.5 [futures.state] |
Clarify observable side effects of releasing a shared state |
No |
3 |
2532(i) |
Open |
32.10.6 [futures.promise] |
Satisfying a promise at thread exit |
Yes |
3 |
3582(i) |
New |
32.10.9 [futures.async] |
Unclear where std::async exceptions are handled |
Yes |
3 |
4160(i) |
New | [futures.task.general] |
packaged_task should reject rvalue reference return types |
Yes |
3 |
4158(i) |
New | [futures.task.members] |
packaged_task::operator= should abandon its shared state |
Yes |
3 |
2507(i) |
New |
99 [depr.locale.stdcvt] |
codecvt_mode should be a bitmask type |
No |
3 |
3840(i) |
Open |
D.21 [depr.fs.path.factory] |
filesystem::u8path should be undeprecated |
Yes |
3 |
3812(i) |
New | [fund.ts.v3::propagate_const.const_observers] |
[fund.ts.v3] Incorrect constraint on propagate_const conversion function |
Yes |
3 |
3167(i) |
Open |
8.2 [] |
[fund.ts.v3] Does observer_ptr support function types? |
No |
3 |
3357(i) |
Open |
99 [fund.ts.v3::rand.util.randint] |
[fund.ts.v3] default_random_engine is overspecified for per-thread engine |
Yes |
3 |
3124(i) |
New |
13.7.5 [networking.ts::async.exec.ctx.globals] |
[networking.ts] Unclear how execution_context is intended to store services |
Yes |
3 |
3021(i) |
New |
16.2.2 [networking.ts::buffer.reqmts.constbuffersequence] |
[networking.ts] Relax pointer equivalence requirement for ConstBufferSequence |
Yes |
3 |
3027(i) |
New |
16.2.4 [networking.ts::buffer.reqmts.dynamicbuffer] |
[networking.ts] DynamicBuffer prepare exception specification |
Yes |
3 |
3072(i) |
New |
16.2.4 [networking.ts::buffer.reqmts.dynamicbuffer] |
[networking.ts] DynamicBuffer object lifetimes underspecified |
Yes |
3 |
3073(i) |
New |
17 [] |
[networking.ts] (async_ )read and (async_ )write
don't support DynamicBuffer lvalues |
Yes |
3 |
3445(i) |
19.2.1 [networking.ts::socket.iostream.cons] |
[networking.ts] net::basic_socket_istream::connect should be constrained |
Yes |
3 |