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is not formatted as a character when charT
is wchar_t
Section: [format.string.std] Status: New Submitter: S. B. Tam Opened: 2023-05-26 Last modified: 2023-06-01
Priority: 3
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(See discussion at microsoft/STL/pull/3723) [format.string.std] p21 says:The available integer presentation types for integral types other than
are specified in Table 68.
When charT
is wchar_t
, the ordinary character type char
falls into this category, and thus a
gets formatted as an integer by default, not as a character.
family, because they are specified in terms of make_format_args
which calls the basic_format_arg
constructor, which converts char
to wchar_t
( [format.arg] (6.2)). But it does affect the std::formatter<char, wchar_t>
which isn't specified to use basic_format_arg
This is especially problematic after P2286R8, which makes std::formatter<char, wchar_t>
debug-enabled, but there's no debug format for integral types other than charT
Perhaps [format.string.std] should say that the formatting arguments are converted as if through the basic_format_arg
At the time of writing, on libstdc++ and libc++, std::formatter<char, wchar_t>
formats the argument as
a character when no specifier is given (, while
MSVC STL's std::formatter<char, wchar_t>
outputs the integer value. But I'm about to change MSVC STL to
match the other implementations.
[2023-06-01; Reflector poll]
Set priority to 3 after reflector poll.
Proposed resolution: