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is not quite rightSection: [range.lazy.split.view] Status: New Submitter: Hewill Kang Opened: 2023-01-07 Last modified: 2023-02-01
Priority: 4
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Currently, lazy_split_view
supports input range when the element of the pattern is less than or equal to 1.
In order to ensure this condition at compile time, tiny-range
constrains the type R
to model
and requires (remove_reference_t<R>::size() <= 1)
to be a constant expression.
does not guarantee that ranges::size
will be evaluated by R::size()
For example, when disable_sized_range<R>
is specialized to true
or R::size()
returns a non-integer-like type,
can still compute the size by subtracting the iterator-sentinel pair when both satisfy sized_sentinel_for
Since the lazy_split_view
's iterator uses R::size()
to get the constant value of the pattern,
we must ensure that this is indeed how ranges::size
is calculated. Also, I think we can simplify
with bool_constant
in a way similar to LWG 3150, which removes the
introduction of require-constant
[2023-02-01; Reflector poll]
Set priority to 4 after reflector poll.
Only matters for pathological types.
Maybe use requires bool_constant<ranges::size(r) <= 1>
Proposed resolution:
This wording is relative to N4917.
Modify [range.lazy.split.view] as indicated:
namespace std::ranges {template<auto> struct require-constant; // exposition onlytemplate<class R> concept tiny-range = // exposition only sized_range<R> && requires { typename require-constant<remove_reference_t<R>::size()>; } && (remove_reference_t<R>::size() <= 1);template<input_range V, forward_range Pattern> requires view<V> && view<Pattern> && indirectly_comparable<iterator_t<V>, iterator_t<Pattern>, ranges::equal_to> && (forward_range<V> || tiny-range<Pattern>) class lazy_split_view : public view_interface<lazy_split_view<V, Pattern>> { […] }; […] }template<class R> concept tiny-range = // exposition only sized_range<R> && requires { requires bool_constant<(remove_reference_t<R>::size() <= 1)>::value; };-?- Given an lvalue
of typeremove_reference_t<R>
only ifranges::size(r)
is evaluated byremove_reference_t<R>::size()
.constexpr lazy_split_view(V base, Pattern pattern);-1- Effects: : Initializes
, andpattern_