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4212. Make the round states in [rand.eng.philox] explicit

Section: [rand.eng.philox] Status: New Submitter: Thomas Köppe Opened: 2025-02-12 Last modified: 2025-02-24

Priority: Not Prioritized

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The current wording that specifies the operation of the Philox random bit generator seems needlessly vague. We can add precision by defining a few more terms, instead of requiring the reader to fill in the blanks.

Concretely, the variable X' is only vaguely defined at the moment, and the definition of the "r-round network", "rounds", and how they fit together, is somewhat informal and imprecise. The statement that Philox "returns the sequence Y = X'" is needlessly ambiguous (what is X' here?).

I propose the change that I drafted at draft/pull/7152: Namely, spell out the meaning of the "rounds" and create a distinct name for every value in every round. This allows us to state the result precisely, and makes it clear how each round computes a new value from the values of the previous rounds.

It seems convenient to change the round counter q to be 1-based (and X(0) is an alias for the initial value, X), so that the final result is X(r).

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N5001.

  1. Modify [rand.eng.philox] as indicated:

    -2- The generation algorithm returns Yi, the value stored in the ith element of Y after applying the transition algorithm.

    -3- The state transition is performed as if by the following algorithm:

    if (i == n) {
      Y=Philox(K, X) // see below
      Z=Z+1         // this updates X

    -4- The Philox function maps the length-n/2 sequence K and the length-n sequence X into a length-n output sequence Y. Philox applies an r-round substitution-permutation network to the values in X. A single round of the generation algorithm performs the following steps: That is, there are intermediate values X(0), X(1), …, X(r), where X(0):=X, and for each round q (with q=1,,r), X(q) is computed from X(q-1) as follows. The output sequence is X(r).

    1. (4.1) — The output sequence X' of the previous round (X in case of the first round) is permuted to obtain the intermediate state V:


      An intermediate state V(q) is obtained by permuting the previous output, Vj(q):=Xfn(j)(q-1), where j=0,,n1, and fn(j) is defined in Table 124.

    2. (4.2) — The following computations are applied to the elements of the V sequence: The next output X(q) is computed from the elements of the V(q) as follows. For k=0,,n/2-1,

      1. (4.2.?) — X2k+0(q) = mulhi(V2k(q),Mk,w) xor Kk(q) xor V2k+1(q), andX2k+0 = mulhi(V2k,Mk,w) xor keykq xor V2k+1

      2. (4.2.?) — X2k+1(q) = mullo(V2k(q),Mk,w),X2k+1 = mullo(V2k,Mk,w)


      1. (4.2.1) — mullo(a,b,w) is the low half of the modular multiplication of a and b: (ab)mod2w,

      2. (4.2.2) — mulhi(a,b,w) is the high half of the modular multiplication of a and b: ((ab)/2w),

      3. (4.2.3) — k=0,,n/21 is the index in the sequences, Kk(q) is the kth round key for round q, Kk(q):=(Kk+(q-1)Ck)mod2w,

      4. (4.2.4) — q=0,,r1 is the index of the round, Kk is the kth element of the key sequence K,

      5. (4.2.5) — keykq is the kth round key for round q, keykq:=(Kk+qCk)mod2w,

      6. (4.2.6) — Kk are the elements of the key sequence K,

      7. (4.2.7) — Mk is multipliers[k], and

      8. (4.2.8) — Ck is round_consts[k].