Revised 2024-12-22 at 11:35:55 UTC

Tentative Issues

3578(i). Iterator SCARYness in the context of associative container merging

Section: [associative.reqmts.general] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Joaquín M López Muñoz Opened: 2021-08-04 Last modified: 2024-12-09

Priority: 3

View other active issues in [associative.reqmts.general].

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For the expression a.merge(a2), postconditions say that "iterators referring to the transferred elements […] now behave as iterators into a […]". When a and a2 are of different types, this seems to imply, under the widest interpretation for "behaving as", that a-iterators and a2-iterators are actually of the same type, that is, that associative containers have SCARY iterators, which is, to the best of my knowledge, not currently mandated by the standard.

There are (at least) three possible resolutions to this ambiguity, ordered by intrusiveness:

Note that this issue does not extend to unordered associative containers, as there ( [unord.req.general]) iterators to transferred elements are invalidated, which makes the point of SCARYness irrelevant. That said, if SCARY iterators are finally required for associative containers, it makes much sense to extend the requirement to unordered associative containers as well.

[2021-08-20; Reflector poll]

Set priority to 3 after reflector poll.

[2024-12-04; Jonathan provides wording]

If we want to require SCARY iterators then that should be a proposal that goes through LEWG design review. I propose an almost minimal change to make the spec consistent without imposing any new requirements on implementations.

The minimal change would be to say that iterators remain valid if a and a2 have the same type, which is the minimum portable guarantee that always holds. However what matters in practice is whether the iterator types are the same. That would not be a portable guarantee, because it depends on whether the implementation uses SCARY iterators for its maps and sets, so users could write code that works on one implementation and fails to compile when moved to a different implementation. But that portability trap would be present even if we only say iterators remain valid when a and a2 are the same type. If the code compiles and works on an implementation with SCARY iterators, then users will rely on that, even if unintentionally. Leaving that case unspecified or undefined in the standard doesn't prevent users from relying on it. It doesn't seem to serve any benefit to pretend it doesn't work when it actually does on some implementations.

N.B. Libstdc++ associative container iterators are SCARY by default, but non-SCARY when -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG is used to enable Debug Mode (see Bug 62169). I believe libc++ iterators are SCARY even when -D_LIBCPP_HARDENING_MODE=_LIBCPP_HARDENING_MODE_DEBUG is used, and MSVC STL iterators are SCARY even when /D_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL is used.

[2024-12-09; Reflector poll]

Set status to Tentatively Ready after eight votes in favour during reflector poll.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4993.

  1. Modify [associative.reqmts.general] as indicated:


    -112- Result: void

    -113- Preconditions: a.get_allocator() == a2.get_allocator() is true.

    -114- Effects: Attempts to extract each element in a2 and insert it into a using the comparison object of a. In containers with unique keys, if there is an element in a with key equivalent to the key of an element from a2, then that element is not extracted from a2.

    -115- Postconditions: Pointers and references to the transferred elements of a2 refer to those same elements but as members of a. If a.begin() and a2.begin() have the same type, iterators Iterators referring to the transferred elements will continue to refer to their elements, but they now behave as iterators into a, not into a2.

    -116- Throws: Nothing unless the comparison objects throws.

    -117- Complexity: N log(a.size()+N), where N has the value a2.size().

3908(i). enumerate_view::iterator constructor is explicit

Section: [range.enumerate.iterator] Status: Tentatively NAD Submitter: Jonathan Wakely Opened: 2023-03-23 Last modified: 2024-06-24

Priority: Not Prioritized

View other active issues in [range.enumerate.iterator].

View all other issues in [range.enumerate.iterator].

View all issues with Tentatively NAD status.


enumerate_view::iterator has this constructor:

    constexpr explicit
      iterator(iterator_t<Base> current, difference_type pos);  // exposition only

In P2164R9 the detailed description of the function showed a default argument for the second parameter, which would justify it being explicit. However, that default argument was not present in the class synopsis and was removed from the detailed description when applying the paper to the draft.

[2023-06-01; Reflector poll]

Set status to Tentatively NAD after four votes in favour during reflector poll. The constructor is exposition-only, it doesn't make any difference to anything whether it's explicit or not.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4944.

  1. Modify the class synopsis in [range.enumerate.iterator] as shown:

        constexpr explicit
          iterator(iterator_t<Base> current, difference_type pos);  // exposition only
  2. Modify the detailed description in [range.enumerate.iterator] as shown:

      constexpr explicit iterator(iterator_t<Base> current, difference_type pos);

    -2- Effects: Initializes current_ with std::move(current) and pos_ with pos.

3909(i). Issues about viewable_range

Section: 99 [ranges.refinements], 25.7.2 [range.adaptor.object] Status: Tentatively NAD Submitter: Jiang An Opened: 2023-03-27 Last modified: 2023-06-01

Priority: Not Prioritized

View all issues with Tentatively NAD status.


After LWG 3724(i), views::all is well-constrained for view types, and the constraints are stronger than viewable_range. The difference is that given an expression such that decltype gives R, when decay_t<R> is a view type and the implicit conversion of R to decay_t<R> is forbidden, views::all rejects the expression, but viewable_range may accept R. So I think we should remove the additional constraints on views::all_t.

While viewable_range is probably not introducing any additional constraint within the standard library, I think it is still useful to express the constraints on views::all, so it should be slightly adjusted to match views::all.

Furthermore, viewable_range is currently used in 25.7.2 [range.adaptor.object], but given P2378R3 relaxed the requirements for range adaptor closure objects, I think we should also apply similar relaxation for range adaptor objects. This should have no impact on standard range adaptor objects.

[2023-06-01; Reflector poll]

Set status to Tentatively NAD after three votes in favour during reflector poll.

"First change is pointless. Second change is a duplicate of 3896(i). Range adaptors return a view over their first argument, so they need to require it's a viewable_range."

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4944.

  1. Change the definition of views::all_t in 25.2 [ranges.syn] as indicated:

       template<viewable_rangeclass R>
          using all_t = decltype(all(declval<R>()));          // freestanding
  2. Change the definition of viewable_range in 25.4.5 [range.refinements] as indicated:

    -6- The viewable_range concept specifies the requirements of a range type that can be converted to a view safely.

    template<class T>
      concept viewable_range =
        range<T> &&
        ((view<remove_cvref_t<T>> && constructible_from<remove_cvref_t<T>, T> convertible_to<T, remove_cvref_t<T>>) ||
         (!view<remove_cvref_t<T>> &&
          (is_lvalue_reference_v<T> || (movable<remove_reference_t<T>> && !is-initializer-list<T>))));
  3. Change 25.7.2 [range.adaptor.object] as indicated:

    -6- A range adaptor object is a customization point object ( [customization.point.object]) that accepts a viewable_rangerange as its first argument and returns a view.


    -8- If a range adaptor object adaptor accepts more than one argument, then let range be an expression such that decltype((range)) models viewable_rangerange, let args... be arguments such that adaptor(range, args...) is a well-formed expression as specified in the rest of subclause 25.7 [range.adaptors], and let BoundArgs be a pack that denotes decay_t<decltype((args))>.... The expression adaptor(args...) produces a range adaptor closure object f that is a perfect forwarding call wrapper (22.10.4 [func.require]) with the following properties: [...]

3956(i). chrono::parse uses from_stream as a customization point

Section: 30.13 [time.parse] Status: Tentatively Ready Submitter: Jonathan Wakely Opened: 2023-07-15 Last modified: 2024-12-09

Priority: 3

View other active issues in [time.parse].

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30.13 [time.parse] says: "Each parse overload specified in this subclause calls from_stream unqualified, so as to enable argument dependent lookup (6.5.4 [basic.lookup.argdep])." That name should be added to [contents] along with swap, make_error_code, and make_error_condition.

We should decide whether calls to from_stream should use normal lookup (i.e. unqualified lookup plus ADL) or just ADL, as was done for make_error_code and make_error_condition (see LWG 3629(i)).

[2023-10-30; Reflector poll]

Set priority to 3 after reflector poll.

[2024-12-02; Jonathan provides wording]

I suggest that from_stream should only be found via ADL, not unqualified lookup. This is consistent with what we did for make_error_code and make_error_condition, and more recently for submdspan_mapping. I see no reason to treat from_stream differently. This implies that implementations might need a poison poll in std::chrono so that unqualified lookup stops as soon as those are found.

[2024-12-09; Reflector poll]

Set status to Tentatively Ready after six votes in favour during reflector poll.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4993.

  1. Modify [contents] as indicated:

    -3- Whenever an unqualified name other than swap, make_error_code, make_error_condition, from_stream, or submdspan_mapping is used in the specification of a declaration D in Clause 17 through Clause 33 or Annex D, its meaning is established as-if by performing unqualified name lookup (6.5.3 [basic.lookup.unqual]) in the context of D.

    [Note 1: Argument-dependent lookup is not performed. — end note]

    Similarly, the meaning of a qualified-id is established as-if by performing qualified name lookup (6.5.5 [basic.lookup.qual]) in the context of D.

    [Example 1: The reference to is_array_v in the specification of std::to_array ( [array.creation]) refers to ::std::is_array_v. — end example]

    [Note 2: Operators in expressions ( [over.match.oper]) are not so constrained; see [global.functions]. — end note]

    The meaning of the unqualified name swap is established in an overload resolution context for swappable values ( [swappable.requirements]). The meanings of the unqualified names make_error_code, make_error_condition, from_stream, and submdspan_mapping are established as-if by performing argument-dependent lookup (6.5.4 [basic.lookup.argdep]).

3958(i). ranges::to should prioritize the "reserve" branch

Section: [] Status: Tentatively NAD Submitter: Hewill Kang Opened: 2023-07-17 Last modified: 2024-01-29

Priority: Not Prioritized

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When the constructed range object has no range version constructor, ranges::to falls into a branch designed specifically for C++17-compliant containers, which calls the legacy constructor that accepts an iterator pair with C(ranges::begin(r), ranges::end(r), std::forward<Args>(args)...).

However, this kind of initialization may bring some performance issues, because we split the original range into pairs of iterators, which may lose information contained in the original range, for example:

#include <boost/container/vector.hpp>
#include <sstream>
#include <ranges>

int main() {
  std::istringstream ints("1 2 3 4 5");
  std::ranges::subrange s(std::istream_iterator<int>(ints),
  auto r = std::ranges::to<boost::container::vector>(s); // discard size info

Above, subrange saves the size information of the stream, but ranges::to only extracts its iterator pair to create the object, so that the original size information is discarded, resulting in unnecessary allocations.

I believe we should prefer to use the "reserve" branch here because it is really designed for this situation.

[2023-10-30; Reflector poll]

Set status to Tentatively NAD after reflector poll. "This optimizes exotic cases at the expense of realistic cases."

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4950.

  1. Modify [] as indicated:

    template<class C, input_range R, class... Args> requires (!view<C>)
      constexpr C to(R&& r, Args&&... args);

    -1- Mandates: C is a cv-unqualified class type.

    -2- Returns: An object of type C constructed from the elements of r in the following manner:

    1. (2.1) — If C does not satisfy input_range or convertible_to<range_reference_t<R>, range_value_t<C>> is true:

      1. (2.1.1) — If constructible_from<C, R, Args...> is true:

        C(std::forward<R>(r), std::forward<Args>(args)...)
      2. (2.1.2) — Otherwise, if constructible_from<C, from_range_t, R, Args...> is true:

        C(from_range, std::forward<R>(r), std::forward<Args>(args)...)
      3. (2.1.3) — Otherwise, if

        1. ( — common_range<R> is true,

        2. ( — the qualified-id iterator_traits<iterator_t<R>>::iterator_category is valid and denotes a type that models derived_from<input_iterator_tag>, and

        3. ( — constructible_from<C, iterator_t<R>, sentinel_t<R>, Args...> is true:

          C(ranges::begin(r), ranges::end(r), std::forward<Args>(args)...)
      4. (2.1.4) — Otherwise, if

        1. ( — constructible_from<C, Args...> is true, and

        2. ( — container-insertable<C, range_reference_t<R>> is true:

          C c(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
          if constexpr (sized_range<R> && reservable-container<C>)
          ranges::copy(r, container-inserter<range_reference_t<R>>(c));
      5. (?.?.?) — Otherwise, if

        1. (?.?.?.?) — common_range<R> is true,

        2. (?.?.?.?) — the qualified-id iterator_traits<iterator_t<R>>::iterator_category is valid and denotes a type that models derived_from<input_iterator_tag>, and

        3. (?.?.?.?) — constructible_from<C, iterator_t<R>, sentinel_t<R>, Args...> is true:

          C(ranges::begin(r), ranges::end(r), std::forward<Args>(args)...)
    2. (2.2) — Otherwise, if input_range<range_reference_t<R>> is true:

      to<C>(r | views::transform([](auto&& elem) {
        return to<range_value_t<C>>(std::forward<decltype(elem)>(elem));
      }), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
    3. (2.3) — Otherwise, the program is ill-formed.

3980(i). The read exclusive ownership of an atomic read-modify-write operation and whether its read and write are two operations are unclear

Section: 32.5.4 [atomics.order] Status: Tentatively NAD Submitter: jim x Opened: 2023-08-22 Last modified: 2023-11-03

Priority: Not Prioritized

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Such two questions are sourced from StackOverflow:

  1. Can the read operations in compare_exchange_strong in different two thread read the same value?

  2. For purposes of ordering, is atomic read-modify-write one operation or two?

Given this example:

#include <iostream>
#include <atomic>
#include <thread>

struct SpinLock{
  std::atomic<bool> atomic_;
  void lock(){
    bool expected = false;
    while (!atomic_.compare_exchange_strong(expected,true,std::memory_order_release,std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
  void unlock(){, std::memory_order_release);

int main(){
  SpinLock spin{false};
  auto t1 = std::thread([&](){
  auto t2 = std::thread([&](){

In the current draft, the relevant phrasing that can interpret that only one read-modify-write operation reads the initial value false is 32.5.4 [atomics.order] p10:

Atomic read-modify-write operations shall always read the last value (in the modification order) written before the write associated with the read-modify-write operation.

However, the wording can have two meanings, each kind of read can result in different explanations for the example

  1. The check of the violation is done before the side effect of the RMW is in the modification order, i.e. the rule is just checked at the read point.

  2. The check of the violation is done after the side effect of the RMW is in the modification order, i.e. the rule is checked when RMW tries to add the side effect that is based on the read-value to the modification order, and that side effect wouldn't be added to the modification order if the rule was violated.

With the first interpretation, the two RMW operations can read the same initial value because that value is indeed the last value in the modification order before such two RMW operations produce the side effect to the modification order.

With the second interpretation, there is only one RMW operation that can read the initial value because the latter one in the modification order would violate the rule if it read the initial value.

Such two interpretations arise from that the wording doesn't clearly specify when that check is performed.

So, my proposed wording is:

Atomic read-modify-write operations shall always read the value from a side effect X, where X immediately precedes the side effect of the read-modify-write operation in the modification order.

This wording keeps a similar utterance to [intro.races], and it can clearly convey the meaning that we say the value read by RWM is associated with the side effect of RMW in the modification order.

Relevant discussion can be seen CWG/issues/423 here.

[2023-11-03; Reflector poll]

NAD. The first reading isn't plausible.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4958.

  1. Modify 32.5.4 [atomics.order] as indicated:

    -10- Atomic read-modify-write operations shall always read the last value from a side effect X, where X immediately precedes the side effect of the read-modify-write operation (in the modification order) written before the write associated with the read-modify-write operation.

    -11- Implementations should make atomic stores visible to atomic loads within a reasonable amount of time.

3981(i). Range adaptor closure object is underspecified for its return type

Section: 25.7.2 [range.adaptor.object] Status: Tentatively NAD Submitter: Hewill Kang Opened: 2023-08-22 Last modified: 2024-06-24

Priority: Not Prioritized

View other active issues in [range.adaptor.object].

View all other issues in [range.adaptor.object].

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In order to provide pipe support for user-defined range adaptors, P2387R3 removed the specification that the adaptor closure object returns a view, which conforms to the wording of ranges::to.

However, the current wording seems to be too low-spec so that the range adaptor closure object can return any type or even void. This makes it possible to break the previous specification when returning types that don't make sense, for example:

#include <ranges>

struct Closure : std::ranges::range_adaptor_closure<Closure> {
  struct NonCopyable {
    NonCopyable(const NonCopyable&) = delete;

  const NonCopyable& operator()(std::ranges::range auto&&);

auto r = std::views::iota(0) | Closure{}; // hard error in libstdc++ and MSVC-STL

Above, since the return type of the pipeline operator is declared as auto, this causes the deleted copy constructor to be invoked in the function body and produces a hard error.

The proposed resolution adds a specification for the range adaptor closure object to return a cv-unqualified class type.

[2023-10-30; Reflector poll]

Set status to Tentatively NAD. "The wording says R | C is equivalent to C(R), not auto(C(R))."

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4958.

  1. Modify 25.7.2 [range.adaptor.object] as indicated:

    -1- A range adaptor closure object is a unary function object that accepts a range argument. For a range adaptor closure object C and an expression R such that decltype((R)) models range, the following expressions are equivalent:


    -2- Given an object t of type T, where

    1. (2.1) — t is a unary function object that accepts a range argument and returns a cv-unqualified class object,

    2. […]

    then the implementation ensures that t is a range adaptor closure object.

3982(i). is-derived-from-view-interface should require that T is derived from view_interface<T>

Section: 25.4.4 [range.view] Status: Tentatively NAD Submitter: Hewill Kang Opened: 2023-08-22 Last modified: 2023-10-30

Priority: Not Prioritized

View all other issues in [range.view].

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Currently, the wording of is-derived-from-view-interface only detects whether type T is unambiguously derived from one base class view_interface<U> where U is not required to be T, which is not the intention of CRTP.

[2023-10-30; Reflector poll]

Set status to Tentatively NAD. The wording correctly handles the case where T derives from Base which derives from view_interface<Base>. We don't want it to only be satisfied for direct inheritance from view_interface<T>, but from any specialization of view_interface. Previously the concept only checked for inheritance from view_base but it was changed when view_interface stopped inheriting from view_base.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4958.

  1. Modify 25.4.4 [range.view] as indicated:

    template<class T>
      constexpr bool is-derived-from-view-interface = see below;            // exposition only
    template<class T>
      constexpr bool enable_view =
        derived_from<T, view_base> || is-derived-from-view-interface<T>;

    -6- For a type T, is-derived-from-view-interface<T> is true if and only if T has exactly one public base class view_interface<TU> for some type U and T has no base classes of type view_interface<UV> for any other type UV.

4003(i). view_interface::back is overconstrained

Section: 25.5.3 [view.interface] Status: Tentatively NAD Submitter: Hewill Kang Opened: 2023-10-28 Last modified: 2024-06-24

Priority: Not Prioritized

View all other issues in [view.interface].

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Currently, view_interface only provides the back member when the derived class satisfies both bidirectional_range and common_range, which ensures that ranges::prev can act its sentinel.

However, requiring common_range seems to be too strict because when the derived class satisfies both random_access_range and sized_range, its end iterator can still be calculated in constant time, which is what some range adaptors currently do to greedily become common ranges.

I think we should follow similar rules to eliminate this inconsistency (demo):

#include <ranges>

constexpr auto r = std::ranges::subrange(std::views::iota(0), 5);
constexpr auto z = std::views::zip(r);
static_assert(r.back() == 4); // ill-formed
static_assert(std::get<0>(z.back()) == 4); // ok

[2023-11-07; Reflector poll]

NAD. "During the concat discussion LEWG decided not to support the corner case of random-access sized but not-common ranges." "If we did want to address such ranges, would be better to enforce commonness for random-access sized ranges by having ranges::end return ranges::begin(r) + ranges::size(r)."

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4964.

  1. Modify 25.5.3 [view.interface], class template view_interface synopsis, as indicated:

    namespace std::ranges {
      template<class D>
        requires is_class_v<D> && same_as<D, remove_cv_t<D>>
      class view_interface {
        constexpr decltype(auto) back() requires (bidirectional_range<D> && common_range<D>) ||
                                                 (random_access_range<D> && sized_range<D>);
        constexpr decltype(auto) back() const
          requires (bidirectional_range<const D> && common_range<const D>) ||
                   (random_access_range<const D> && sized_range<const D>);
  2. Modify [view.interface.members] as indicated:

    constexpr decltype(auto) back() requires (bidirectional_range<D> && common_range<D>) ||
                                             (random_access_range<D> && sized_range<D>);
    constexpr decltype(auto) back() const
      requires (bidirectional_range<const D> && common_range<const D>) ||
               (random_access_range<const D> && sized_range<const D>);

    -3- Preconditions: !empty() is true.

    -4- Effects: Equivalent to:

    auto common-arg-end = []<class R>(R& r) {
      if constexpr (common_range<R>) {
        return ranges::end(r);
      } else {
        return ranges::begin(r) + ranges::distance(r);
    return *ranges::prev(common-arg-endranges::end(derived()));

4006(i). chunk_view::outer-iterator::value_type should provide empty

Section: [range.chunk.outer.value] Status: Tentatively NAD Submitter: Hewill Kang Opened: 2023-11-05 Last modified: 2024-03-11

Priority: Not Prioritized

View all other issues in [range.chunk.outer.value].

View all issues with Tentatively NAD status.


chunk_view::outer-iterator::value_type can determine whether it is empty by simply checking whether the chunk_view's remainder_ is 0, which makes it valuable to explicitly provide a noexcept empty member.

Otherwise, the view_interface::empty is synthesized only through the size member when the original sentinel and iterator type model sized_sentinel_for, which seems overkill:

#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <ranges>

int main() {
  auto ints = std::istringstream{"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10"};
  for (auto chunk : std::views::istream<int>(ints) | std::views::chunk(3)) {
    for (auto elem : chunk) {
      assert(!chunk.empty()); // no matching function for call to 'empty()'
      std::cout << elem << " ";
    assert(chunk.empty()); // ditto
    std::cout << "\n";

[2024-03-11; Reflector poll]

Set status to Tentatively NAD after reflector poll in November 2023.

"The example shows you could use it if it existed, but not why that would be useful."

"This is a bad idea - the fact that the chunk 'shrinks' as it is iterated over is an implementation detail and not supposed to be observable."

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4964.

  1. Modify [range.chunk.outer.value] as indicated:

      namespace std::ranges {
        template<view V>
          requires input_range<V>
        struct chunk_view<V>::outer-iterator::value_type : view_interface<value_type> {
          chunk_view* parent_;                                        // exposition only
          constexpr explicit value_type(chunk_view& parent);          // exposition only
          constexpr inner-iterator begin() const noexcept;
          constexpr default_sentinel_t end() const noexcept;
          constexpr bool empty() const noexcept;
          constexpr auto size() const
            requires sized_sentinel_for<sentinel_t<V>, iterator_t<V>>;
    constexpr default_sentinel_t end() const noexcept;

    -3- Returns: default_sentinel.

    constexpr bool empty() const noexcept;

    -?- Effects: Equivalent to: return parent_->remainder_ == 0;

4095(i). ranges::fold_meow should explicitly spell out the return type

Section: 26.4 [algorithm.syn], 26.6.18 [alg.fold] Status: Tentatively NAD Submitter: Hewill Kang Opened: 2024-05-03 Last modified: 2024-06-24

Priority: Not Prioritized

View all other issues in [algorithm.syn].

View all issues with Tentatively NAD status.


Unlike other algorithms, the return types of ranges::fold_meow are specified in terms of auto and see below, and its implementation details depend on the return types of other overloads through decltype(fold_meow(...)).

This makes determining the return type of a certain overload (such as fold_right_last) extremely difficult even for experts, requiring several trips back and forth to different overloads to finally understand what the actual return type is. The situation is even worse for newbies because such a form of specifying the return type makes it impossible for the IDE to deduce the real return type, which is extremely user-unfriendly.

I think that explicitly specifying the return type for these overloads not only greatly improves readability but also offloads the compiler from deducing the return type, which can definitely be considered an improvement.

The proposed resolution does not touch the Effects clause and only changes the function signature to seek minimal changes.

[2024-06-24; Reflector poll: NAD]

Implementations are free to spell this out if desired.

Proposed resolution:

This wording is relative to N4981.

  1. Modify 26.4 [algorithm.syn], header <algorithm> synopsis, as indicated:

    #include <initializer_list>     // see 17.10.2 [initializer.list.syn]
    namespace std {
      namespace ranges {
        template<input_iterator I, sentinel_for<I> S, class T = iter_value_t<I>,
                 indirectly-binary-left-foldable<T, I> F>
          constexpr auto fold_left(I first, S last, T init, F f) ->
            decay_t<invoke_result_t<F&, T, iter_reference_t<I>>>;
        template<input_range R, class T = range_value_t<R>,
                 indirectly-binary-left-foldable<T, iterator_t<R>> F>
          constexpr auto fold_left(R&& r, T init, F f) ->
            decay_t<invoke_result_t<F&, T, range_reference_t<R>>>;
        template<input_iterator I, sentinel_for<I> S,
                 indirectly-binary-left-foldable<iter_value_t<I>, I> F>
          requires constructible_from<iter_value_t<I>, iter_reference_t<I>>
          constexpr auto fold_left_first(I first, S last, F f) ->
            optional<decay_t<invoke_result_t<F&, iter_value_t<I>, iter_reference_t<I>>>>;
        template<input_range R, indirectly-binary-left-foldable<range_value_t<R>, iterator_t<R>> F>
          requires constructible_from<range_value_t<R>, range_reference_t<R>>
          constexpr auto fold_left_first(R&& r, F f) ->
            optional<decay_t<invoke_result_t<F&, range_value_t<R>, range_reference_t<R>>>>;
        template<bidirectional_iterator I, sentinel_for<I> S, class T = iter_value_t<I>,
                 indirectly-binary-right-foldable<T, I> F>
          constexpr auto fold_right(I first, S last, T init, F f) ->
            decay_t<invoke_result_t<F&, iter_reference_t<I>, T>>;
        template<bidirectional_range R, class T = range_value_t<R>,
                 indirectly-binary-right-foldable<T, iterator_t<R>> F>
          constexpr auto fold_right(R&& r, T init, F f) ->
            decay_t<invoke_result_t<F&, range_reference_t<R>, T>>;
        template<bidirectional_iterator I, sentinel_for<I> S,
                 indirectly-binary-right-foldable<iter_value_t<I>, I> F>
          requires constructible_from<iter_value_t<I>, iter_reference_t<I>>
        constexpr auto fold_right_last(I first, S last, F f) ->
          optional<decay_t<invoke_result_t<F&, iter_reference_t<I>, iter_value_t<I>>>>;
        template<bidirectional_range R,
                 indirectly-binary-right-foldable<range_value_t<R>, iterator_t<R>> F>
          requires constructible_from<range_value_t<R>, range_reference_t<R>>
        constexpr auto fold_right_last(R&& r, F f) ->
          optional<decay_t<invoke_result_t<F&, range_reference_t<R>, range_value_t<R>>>>;
        template<class I, class T>
          using fold_left_with_iter_result = in_value_result<I, T>;
        template<class I, class T>
          using fold_left_first_with_iter_result = in_value_result<I, T>;
        template<input_iterator I, sentinel_for<I> S, class T = iter_value_t<I>,
                 indirectly-binary-left-foldable<T, I> F>
          constexpr see belowauto fold_left_with_iter(I first, S last, T init, F f) ->
            fold_left_with_iter_result<I, decay_t<invoke_result_t<F&, T, iter_reference_t<I>>>>;
        template<input_range R, class T = range_value_t<R>,
                 indirectly-binary-left-foldable<T, iterator_t<R>> F>
          constexpr see belowauto fold_left_with_iter(R&& r, T init, F f) ->
                                       decay_t<invoke_result_t<F&, T, range_reference_t<R>>>>;
        template<input_iterator I, sentinel_for<I> S,
                 indirectly-binary-left-foldable<iter_value_t<I>, I> F>
          requires constructible_from<iter_value_t<I>, iter_reference_t<I>>
          constexpr see belowauto fold_left_first_with_iter(I first, S last, F f) ->
              I, optional<decay_t<invoke_result_t<F&, iter_value_t<I>, iter_reference_t<I>>>>>;
        template<input_range R,
                 indirectly-binary-left-foldable<range_value_t<R>, iterator_t<R>> F>
          requires constructible_from<range_value_t<R>, range_reference_t<R>>
          constexpr see belowauto fold_left_first_with_iter(R&& r, F f) ->
              optional<decay_t<invoke_result_t<F&, range_value_t<R>, range_reference_t<R>>>>>;
  2. Modify 26.6.18 [alg.fold] as indicated:

    template<input_iterator I, sentinel_for<I> S, class T = iter_value_t<I>,
             indirectly-binary-left-foldable<T, I> F>
    constexpr auto ranges::fold_left(I first, S last, T init, F f) ->
      decay_t<invoke_result_t<F&, T, iter_reference_t<I>>>;
    template<input_range R, class T = range_value_t<R>,
             indirectly-binary-left-foldable<T, iterator_t<R>> F>
    constexpr auto ranges::fold_left(R&& r, T init, F f) ->
      decay_t<invoke_result_t<F&, T, range_reference_t<R>>>;

    -1- Returns:

    ranges::fold_left_with_iter(std::move(first), last, std::move(init), f).value
    template<input_iterator I, sentinel_for<I> S,
             indirectly-binary-left-foldable<iter_value_t<I>, I> F>
      requires constructible_from<iter_value_t<I>, iter_reference_t<I>>
      constexpr auto ranges::fold_left_first(I first, S last, F f) ->
        optional<decay_t<invoke_result_t<F&, iter_value_t<I>, iter_reference_t<I>>>>;
    template<input_range R, indirectly-binary-left-foldable<range_value_t<R>, iterator_t<R>> F>
      requires constructible_from<range_value_t<R>, range_reference_t<R>>
      constexpr auto ranges::fold_left_first(R&& r, F f) ->
        optional<decay_t<invoke_result_t<F&, range_value_t<R>, range_reference_t<R>>>>;

    -2- Returns:

    ranges::fold_left_first_with_iter(std::move(first), last, f).value
    template<bidirectional_iterator I, sentinel_for<I> S, class T = iter_value_t<I>,
             indirectly-binary-right-foldable<T, I> F>
      constexpr auto ranges::fold_right(I first, S last, T init, F f) ->
        decay_t<invoke_result_t<F&, iter_reference_t<I>, T>>;
    template<bidirectional_range R, class T = range_value_t<R>,
            indirectly-binary-right-foldable<T, iterator_t<R>> F>
      constexpr auto ranges::fold_right(R&& r, T init, F f) ->
        decay_t<invoke_result_t<F&, range_reference_t<R>, T>>;  

    -3- Effects: Equivalent to:

    using U = decay_t<invoke_result_t<F&, iter_reference_t<I>, T>>;
    if (first == last)
      return U(std::move(init));
    I tail = ranges::next(first, last);
    U accum = invoke(f, *--tail, std::move(init));
    while (first != tail)
      accum = invoke(f, *--tail, std::move(accum));
    return accum;
    template<bidirectional_iterator I, sentinel_for<I> S,
            indirectly-binary-right-foldable<iter_value_t<I>, I> F>
      requires constructible_from<iter_value_t<I>, iter_reference_t<I>>
    constexpr auto ranges::fold_right_last(I first, S last, F f) ->
      optional<decay_t<invoke_result_t<F&, iter_reference_t<I>, iter_value_t<I>>>>;
    template<bidirectional_range R,
             indirectly-binary-right-foldable<range_value_t<R>, iterator_t<R>> F>
     requires constructible_from<range_value_t<R>, range_reference_t<R>>
    constexpr auto ranges::fold_right_last(R&& r, F f) ->
      optional<decay_t<invoke_result_t<F&, range_reference_t<R>, range_value_t<R>>>>;

    -4- Let U be decltype(ranges::fold_right(first, last, iter_value_t<I>(*first), f)).

    -5- Effects: Equivalent to:

    if (first == last)
      return optional<U>();
    I tail = ranges::prev(ranges::next(first, std::move(last)));
    return optional<U>(in_place,
      ranges::fold_right(std::move(first), tail, iter_value_t<I>(*tail), std::move(f)));
    template<input_iterator I, sentinel_for<I> S, class T = iter_value_t<I>,
             indirectly-binary-left-foldable<T, I> F>
      constexpr see belowauto ranges::fold_left_with_iter(I first, S last, T init, F f) ->
        fold_left_with_iter_result<I, decay_t<invoke_result_t<F&, T, iter_reference_t<I>>>>;
    template<input_range R, class T = range_value_t<R>,
             indirectly-binary-left-foldable<T, iterator_t<R>> F>
      constexpr see belowauto ranges::fold_left_with_iter(R&& r, T init, F f) ->
                                   decay_t<invoke_result_t<F&, T, range_reference_t<R>>>>;

    -6- Let U be decay_t<invoke_result_t<F&, T, iter_reference_t<I>>>.

    -7- Effects: Equivalent to:

    if (first == last)
      return {std::move(first), U(std::move(init))};
    U accum = invoke(f, std::move(init), *first);
    for (++first; first != last; ++first)
      accum = invoke(f, std::move(accum), *first);
    return {std::move(first), std::move(accum)};

    -8- Remarks: The return type is fold_left_with_iter_result<I, U> for the first overload and fold_left_with_iter_result<borrowed_iterator_t<R>, U> for the second overload.

    template<input_iterator I, sentinel_for<I> S,
             indirectly-binary-left-foldable<iter_value_t<I>, I> F>
      requires constructible_from<iter_value_t<I>, iter_reference_t<I>>
      constexpr see belowauto ranges::fold_left_first_with_iter(I first, S last, F f) ->
          I, optional<decay_t<invoke_result_t<F&, iter_value_t<I>, iter_reference_t<I>>>>>;
    template<input_range R,
             indirectly-binary-left-foldable<range_value_t<R>, iterator_t<R>> F>
      requires constructible_from<range_value_t<R>, range_reference_t<R>>
      constexpr see belowauto ranges::fold_left_first_with_iter(R&& r, F f) ->
          optional<decay_t<invoke_result_t<F&, range_value_t<R>, range_reference_t<R>>>>>;

    -9- Let U be

    decltype(ranges::fold_left(std::move(first), last, iter_value_t<I>(*first), f))

    -10- Effects: Equivalent to:

    if (first == last)
      return {std::move(first), optional<U>()};
    optional<U> init(in_place, *first);
    for (++first; first != last; ++first)
      *init = invoke(f, std::move(*init), *first);
    return {std::move(first), std::move(init)};

    -11- Remarks: The return type is fold_left_first_with_iter_result<I, optional<U>> for the first overload and fold_left_first_with_iter_result<borrowed_iterator_t<R>, optional<U>> for the second overload.