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initializationSection: 19.5.3 [syserr.errcat] Status: C++11 Submitter: Beman Dawes Opened: 2008-09-14 Last modified: 2016-01-28
Priority: Not Prioritized
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The static const error_category
objects generic_category
in header <system_error>
are currently declared:
const error_category& get_generic_category(); const error_category& get_system_category(); static const error_category& generic_category = get_generic_category(); static const error_category& system_category = get_system_category();
This formulation has several problems:
IO streams uses a somewhat different formulation for iostream_category, but still suffer much the same problems.
The original plan was to eliminate these problems by applying the C++0x
feature. See LWG issue 832(i). However, that approach turned out
to be unimplementable, since it would require a constexpr
object of a
class with virtual functions, and that is not allowed by the core
The proposed resolution was developed as an alternative. It mitigates the above problems by removing initialization from the visible interface, allowing implementations flexibility.
Implementation experience:
Prototype implementations of the current WP interface and proposed
resolution interface were tested with recent Codegear, GCC, Intel, and Microsoft
compilers on Windows. The code generated by the Microsoft compiler was studied
at length; the WP and proposal versions generated very similar code. For both versions
the compiler did make use of static
initialization; apparently the compiler applied an implicit constexpr
where useful, even in cases where constexpr
would not be permitted by
the language!
Martin Sebor, Chris Kohlhoff, and John Lakos provided useful ideas and comments on initialization issues.
[ San Francisco: ]
Martin: prefers not to create more file-scope static objects, and would like to see
functions instead.
Beman: The proposed resolution has been reworked to remove the file-scope static objects, per Martin's suggestions. The
prefix has been eliminated from the function names as no longer necessary and to conform with standard library naming practice.
[ Post Summit: ]
Agreement that this is wise and essential, text provided works and has been implemented. Seems to be widespread consensus. Move to Tentative Ready.
Proposed resolution:
Change [] Value of error codes as indicated:
Certain functions in the C++ standard library report errors via a
( object. That object'scategory()
member shall returna reference tostd::system_category
for errors originating from the operating system, or a reference to an implementation-defined error_category object for errors originating elsewhere. The implementation shall define the possible values of value() for each of these error categories. [Example: For operating systems that are based on POSIX, implementations are encouraged to define the
values as identical to the POSIX
values, with additional values as defined by the operating system's documentation. Implementations for operating systems that are not based on POSIX are encouraged to define values identical to the operating system's values. For errors that do not originate from the operating system, the implementation may provide enums for the associated values --end example]
Change [syserr.errcat.overview] Class error_category
synopsis as indicated:
const error_category&get_generic_category(); const error_category&get_system_category();static storage-class-specifier const error_category& generic_category = get_generic_category(); static storage-class-specifier const error_category& system_category = get_system_category();
Change [syserr.errcat.objects] Error category objects as indicated:
const error_category&get_generic_category();Returns: A reference to an object of a type derived from class
.Remarks: The object's
virtual functions shall behave as specified for the classerror_category
. The object'sname
virtual function shall return a pointer to the string"GENERIC"
.const error_category&get_system_category();Returns: A reference to an object of a type derived from class
.Remarks: The object's
virtual functions shall behave as specified for classerror_category
. The object'sname
virtual function shall return a pointer to the string"system"
. The object'sdefault_error_condition
virtual function shall behave as follows:If the argument
corresponds to a POSIXerrno
, the function shall returnerror_condition(posv, generic_category())
. Otherwise, the function shall returnerror_condition(ev, system_category())
. What constitutes correspondence for any given operating system is unspecified. [Note: The number of potential system error codes is large and unbounded, and some may not correspond to any POSIXerrno
value. Thus implementations are given latitude in determining correspondence. — end note]
Change [syserr.errcode.constructors] Class error_code
as indicated:
error_code();Effects: Constructs an object of type error_code.
val_ == 0
andcat_ == &system_category
Change [syserr.errcode.modifiers] Class error_code
modifiers as
void clear();Postconditions:
value() == 0
andcategory() == system_category
Change [syserr.errcode.nonmembers] Class error_code
functions as indicated:
error_code make_error_code(errc e);Returns:
error_code(static_cast<int>(e), generic_category
Change [syserr.errcondition.constructors] Class error_condition
constructors as indicated:
error_condition();Effects: Constructs an object of type
val_ == 0
andcat_ == &generic_category
Change [syserr.errcondition.modifiers] Class error_condition
modifiers as indicated:
void clear();Postconditions:
value() == 0
andcategory() == generic_category
Change [syserr.errcondition.nonmembers] Class error_condition
non-member functions as indicated:
error_condition make_error_condition(errc e);Returns:
error_condition(static_cast<int>(e), generic_category())
Change 31.5 [iostreams.base] Iostreams base classes, Header <ios>
synopsis as indicated:
concept_map ErrorCodeEnum<io_errc> { }; error_code make_error_code(io_errc e); error_condition make_error_condition(io_errc e);storage-class-specifierconst error_category& iostream_category();
Change [ios::failure] Class ios_base::failure, paragraph 2 as indicated:
When throwing
exceptions, implementations should provide values ofec
that identify the specific reason for the failure. [ Note: Errors arising from the operating system would typically be reported assystem_category
errors with an error value of the error number reported by the operating system. Errors arising from within the stream library would typically be reported aserror_code(io_errc::stream, iostream_category())
. — end note ]
Change 31.5.6 [error.reporting] Error reporting as indicated:
error_code make_error_code(io_errc e);Returns:
error_code(static_cast<int>(e), iostream_category
.error_condition make_error_condition(io_errc e);Returns:
error_condition(static_cast<int>(e), iostream_category
.storage-class-specifierconst error_category& iostream_category();The implementation shall initialize iostream_category. Its storage-class-specifier may be static or extern. It is unspecified whether initialization is static or dynamic (3.6.2). If initialization is dynamic, it shall occur before completion of the dynamic initialization of the first translation unit dynamically initialized that includes header <system_error>.
Returns: A reference to an object of a type derived from class
.Remarks: The object's default_error_condition and equivalent virtual functions shall behave as specified for the class error_category. The object's name virtual function shall return a pointer to the string "iostream".