This page is a snapshot from the LWG issues list, see the Library Active Issues List for more information and the meaning of NAD status.
Section: [rand.req.adapt] Status: NAD Submitter: Stephan Tolksdorf Opened: 2007-09-21 Last modified: 2016-01-28
Priority: Not Prioritized
View all issues with NAD status.
If an engine adaptor is invoked with an argument of type seed_seq
, then all base
engines are specified to be seeded with this seed_seq
. As seed_seq
's randomization method is
qualified as constant, this procedure will ef fectively initialize all base engines with the same seed
(though the resulting state might still dif fer to a certain degree if the engines are of different types).
It is not clear whether this mode of operation is in general appropriate, hence -- as far as the
stated requirements are of general nature and not just specific to the engine adaptors provided by
the library -- it might be better to leave the behaviour unspecified, since the current definition of
does not allow for a generally satisfying specification.
Posssible resolution: [As above]
See N2424 for further discussion.
[ Bellevue: ]
Close NAD for the reasons given in N2424.
Proposed resolution:
See N2424 for the proposed resolution.