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464. Suggestion for new member functions in standard containers

Section: 23.3.13 [vector], 23.4.3 [map] Status: CD1 Submitter: Thorsten Ottosen Opened: 2004-05-12 Last modified: 2016-01-28

Priority: Not Prioritized

View all other issues in [vector].

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To add slightly more convenience to vector<T> and map<Key,T> we should consider to add

  1. add vector<T>::data() member (const and non-const version) semantics: if( empty() ) return 0; else return buffer_;
  2. add map<Key,T>::at( const Key& k ) member (const and non-const version) semantics: iterator i = find( k ); if( i != end() ) return *i; else throw range_error();


Proposed resolution:

In 23.3.13 [vector], add the following to the vector synopsis after "element access" and before "modifiers":

  // [] data access
  pointer       data();
  const_pointer data() const;

Add a new subsection of 23.3.13 [vector]:

23.2.4.x vector data access

   pointer       data();
   const_pointer data() const;

Returns: A pointer such that [data(), data() + size()) is a valid range. For a non-empty vector, data() == &front().

Complexity: Constant time.

Throws: Nothing.

In 23.4.3 [map], add the following to the map synopsis immediately after the line for operator[]:

  T&       at(const key_type& x);
  const T& at(const key_type& x) const;

Add the following to [map.access]:

  T&       at(const key_type& x);
  const T& at(const key_type& x) const;

Returns: A reference to the element whose key is equivalent to x, if such an element is present in the map.

Throws: out_of_range if no such element is present.


Neither of these additions provides any new functionality but the LWG agreed that they are convenient, especially for novices. The exception type chosen for at, std::out_of_range, was chosen to match vector::at.