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std::chrono::duration<std::int64_t, std::ratio<INT64_MAX - 1, INT64_MAX>>{40}
required to be correctly formatted?Section: 29.12 [time.format] Status: New Submitter: Jiang An Opened: 2023-04-14 Last modified: 2023-05-24
Priority: 3
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Currently none of MSVC STL, libc++, and libstdc++ correctly formats
duration<int64_t, ratio<INT64_MAX -1, INT64_MAX>>{40}
(Godbolt link). For MSVC and libstdc++,
is used when formatting duration
and thus duration_cast
is also involved. And it's extremely easy for duration_cast
to cause UB when the
source type is duration<int64_t, ratio<INT64_MAX -1, INT64_MAX>>
is equivalently used when
formatting duration. And it seems that the current wording require duration
type is an arithmetic type) to be correctly formatted without UB, even if it is
of a weird type or extremely large (e.g. when it is
duration<int64_t, ratio<INT64_MAX, 1>>{INT64_MAX}
So, if it is intended that hh_mm_ss
is used for formatting duration
perhaps we should explicitly so specify in 29.12 [time.format]. And we may need to
fix initialization of hh_mm_ss
to reduce UB whenever suitable.
[2023-05-24; Reflector poll]
Set priority to 3 after reflector poll.
"NAD. A compile-time error is required when ratio arithmetic overflows, 21.4.4 [ratio.arithmetic] p2"
Proposed resolution: