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380. typos in codecvt tables 53 and 54

Section: [locale.codecvt.byname] Status: CD1 Submitter: Martin Sebor Opened: 2002-09-06 Last modified: 2016-01-28

Priority: Not Prioritized

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Tables 53 and 54 in [locale.codecvt.byname] are both titled "convert result values," when surely "do_in/do_out result values" must have been intended for Table 53 and "do_unshift result values" for Table 54.

Table 54, row 3 says that the meaning of partial is "more characters needed to be supplied to complete termination." The function is not supplied any characters, it is given a buffer which it fills with characters or, more precisely, destination elements (i.e., an escape sequence). So partial means that space for more than (to_limit - to) destination elements was needed to terminate a sequence given the value of state.

Proposed resolution:

Change the title of Table 53 to "do_in/do_out result values" and the title of Table 54 to "do_unshift result values."

Change the text in Table 54, row 3 (the partial row), under the heading Meaning, to "space for more than (to_limit - to) destination elements was needed to terminate a sequence given the value of state."