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may have different size type from its underlying viewSection: [range.drop.view] Status: New Submitter: Jiang An Opened: 2022-07-03 Last modified: 2022-07-17
Priority: 3
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The bodies of both overloads of drop_view<V>::size
are specified as:
const auto s = ranges::size(base_); const auto c = static_cast<decltype(s)>(count_); return s < c ? 0 : s - c;
Given the return type is specified with auto
, the actual return type
is the promoted type of the size type of the underlying view, which may be
different from the underlying size type (e.g. if the underlying size is unsigned short
always has the same size type as its underlying view.
So I think the difference on the size types is an oversight. On the other hand, the
used here seems redundant and inconsistent with other parts of the
standard wording, although implementations may tend to use it.
[2022-07-08; Reflector poll]
Set priority to 3 after reflector poll.
"The PR is incorrect - integer-class types do not support mixed-signedess operations, so you have to cast one of the two first."
[2022-07-17; Daniel comments]
This issue should be resolved by keeping LWG 3739 and 3740 in mind.
Proposed resolution:
This wording is relative to N4910.
Modify [range.drop.view], class template drop_view
synopsis, as indicated:
[Drafting note:
usually have different types, but I think it's safe to perform comparison and subtraction, ascount_
is non-negative as long as the behavior is well-defined.]
[…] constexpr auto size() requires sized_range<V> {constauto s = ranges::size(base_);const auto c = static_cast<decltype(s)>(count_);return static_cast<decltype(s)>(s <ccount_ ? 0 : s -ccount_); } constexpr auto size() const requires sized_range<const V> {constauto s = ranges::size(base_);const auto c = static_cast<decltype(s)>(count_);return static_cast<decltype(s)>(s <ccount_ ? 0 : s -ccount_); } […]