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and bsearch
Section: 27.13 [alg.c.library] Status: C++23 Submitter: Richard Smith Opened: 2021-02-02 Last modified: 2023-11-22
Priority: Not Prioritized
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Per 27.13 [alg.c.library]/2, for qsort
and bsearch
, we have:
Preconditions: The objects in the array pointed to by
are of trivial type.
This seems like an unnecessarily strict requirement. qsort
only needs the objects to be of a
trivially-copyable type (because it will use memcpy
or equivalent to relocate them), and
doesn't need any particular properties of the array element type. Presumably it
would be in improvement to specify the more-precise requirements instead.
instead, or perhaps is_trivially_copy_constructible
and is_trivially_move_constructible
and so on.
Other than qsort
and bsearch
, the only uses of this type property in the standard are
to constrain max_align_t
, aligned_storage
, aligned_union
, and the element type
of basic_string
(and in the definition of the deprecated is_pod
trait), all of which
(other than is_pod
) I think really mean "is trivially default constructible", not "has at least
one eligible default constructor and all eligible default constructors are trivial". And in fact I think
the alignment types are underspecified — we don't want to require merely that they be
trivially-copyable, since that doesn't require any particular operation on them to actually be valid —
we also want to require that they actually model semiregular
[2021-02-23; Casey Carter provides concrete wording]
[2021-03-12; Reflector poll]
Set status to Tentatively Ready after five votes in favour during reflector poll.
[2021-06-07 Approved at June 2021 virtual plenary. Status changed: Voting → WP.]
Proposed resolution:
This wording is relative to N4878.
Modify 27.13 [alg.c.library] as indicated:
void* bsearch(const void* key, const void* base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, c-compare-pred* compar); void* bsearch(const void* key, const void* base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, compare-pred* compar); void qsort(void* base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, c-compare-pred* compar); void qsort(void* base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, compare-pred* compar);-2- Preconditions: For
, tThe objects in the array pointed to by base are oftrivialtrivially copyable type.