This page is a snapshot from the LWG issues list, see the Library Active Issues List for more information and the meaning of C++23 status.
's difference is overconstrainedSection: [range.transform.iterator], [range.elements.iterator] Status: C++23 Submitter: Casey Carter Opened: 2020-09-04 Last modified: 2023-11-22
Priority: 0
View all other issues in [range.transform.iterator].
View all issues with C++23 status.
The difference operation for transform_view::iterator
is specified in [range.transform.iterator] as:
friend constexpr difference_type operator-(const iterator& x, const iterator& y) requires random_access_range<Base>;-22- Effects: Equivalent to:
return x.current_ - y.current_;
The member current_
is an iterator of type iterator_t<Base>
, where
is V
for transform_view<V, F>::iterator<false>
and const V
for transform_view<V, F>::iterator<true>
. The difference
of iterators that appears in the above Effects: element is notably well-defined if their type models
sized_sentinel_for<iterator_t<Base>, iterator_t<Base>>
refines. This overstrong requirement seems to be simply the
result of an oversight; it has been present since P0789R0, without
— to my recollection — ever having been discussed. We should relax this requirement to provide
difference capability for transform_view
's iterators whenever the underlying iterators do.
[2020-09-08; Reflector discussion]
During reflector discussions it was observed that elements_view::iterator
has the same issue
and the proposed wording has been extended to cover this template as well.
[2020-09-13; Reflector prioritization]
Set priority to 0 and status to Tentatively Ready after seven votes in favour during reflector discussions.
[2020-11-09 Approved In November virtual meeting. Status changed: Tentatively Ready → WP.]
Proposed resolution:
This wording is relative to N4861.
Modify [range.transform.iterator] as indicated:
[…]namespace std::ranges { template<input_range V, copy_constructible F> requires view<V> && is_object_v<F> && regular_invocable<F&, range_reference_t<V>> && can-reference<invoke_result_t<F&, range_reference_t<V>>> template<bool Const> class transform_view<V, F>::iterator { public: […] friend constexpr iterator operator-(iterator i, difference_type n) requires random_access_range<Base>; friend constexpr difference_type operator-(const iterator& x, const iterator& y) requiresrandom_access_range<Base>sized_sentinel_for<iterator_t<Base>, iterator_t<Base>>; […] }; }friend constexpr difference_type operator-(const iterator& x, const iterator& y) requiresrandom_access_range<Base>sized_sentinel_for<iterator_t<Base>, iterator_t<Base>>;-22- Effects:
return x.current_ - y.current_;
Modify [range.elements.iterator] as indicated:
[…]namespace std::ranges { template<input_range V, size_t N> requires view<V> && has-tuple-element<range_value_t<V>, N> && has-tuple-element<remove_reference_t<range_reference_t<V>>, N> template<bool Const> class elements_view<V, N>::iterator { // exposition only […] friend constexpr iterator operator-(iterator x, difference_type y) requires random_access_range<Base>; friend constexpr difference_type operator-(const iterator& x, const iterator& y) requiresrandom_access_range<Base>sized_sentinel_for<iterator_t<Base>, iterator_t<Base>>; }; }constexpr difference_type operator-(const iterator& x, const iterator& y) requiresrandom_access_range<Base>sized_sentinel_for<iterator_t<Base>, iterator_t<Base>>;-21- Effects:
return x.current_ - y.current_;