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in terms of partially-ordered-with
Section: 18.5.5 [concept.totallyordered] Status: C++20 Submitter: Great Britain Opened: 2019-11-08 Last modified: 2021-02-25
Priority: 0
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Addresses GB 202
Define totally_ordered[_with]
in terms of partially-ordered-with
This will simplify the definition of both concepts
(particularly totally_ordered_with
), and
make them in-line with equality_comparable[_with]
Now that we've defined partially-ordered-with
for 17.12.4 [cmp.concept], we should consider
utilising it in as many locations as possible.
Proposed change:
template<class T> concept totally_ordered = equality_comparable<T> && partially-ordered-with<T, T>; template<class T, class U> concept totally_ordered_with = totally_ordered<T> && totally_ordered<U> && common_reference_with< const remove_reference_t<T>&, const remove_reference_t<U>&> && totally_ordered< common_reference_t< const remove_reference_t<T>&, const remove_reference_t<U>&>> && equality_comparable_with<T, U> && partially-ordered-with<T, U>;
LWG discussion in Belfast notes that 3329(i)
also touches the definition of totally_ordered_with
the two sets of changes are consistent.
[2019-11 Status to Ready Friday afternoon LWG in Belfast]
Proposed resolution:
This wording is relative to N4835.
Change 18.5.5 [concept.totallyordered] as follows:
template<class T> concept totally_ordered = equality_comparable<T> && partially-ordered-with<T, T>;requires(const remove_reference_t<T>& a,const remove_reference_t<T>& b) {{ a < b } -> boolean;{ a > b } -> boolean;{ a <= b } -> boolean;{ a >= b } -> boolean;};-1- For some type
, leta
, andc
be lvalues of typeconst remove_reference_t<T>
only if(1.1) — Exactly one of
bool(a < b)
,bool(a > b)
, orbool(a == b)
.(1.2) — If
bool(a < b)
andbool(b < c)
, thenbool(a < c)
(1.3) —bool(a > b) == bool(b < a)
.(1.4) —
bool(a <= b) == !bool(b < a)
.(1.5) —
bool(a >= b) == !bool(a < b)
.template<class T, class U> concept totally_ordered_with = totally_ordered<T> && totally_ordered<U> && common_reference_with<const remove_reference_t<T>&, const remove_reference_t<U>&> && totally_ordered< common_reference_t< const remove_reference_t<T>&, const remove_reference_t<U>&>> && equality_comparable_with<T, U> && partially-ordered-with<T, U>;requires(const remove_reference_t<T>& t,const remove_reference_t<U>& u) {{ t < u } -> boolean;{ t > u } -> boolean;{ t <= u } -> boolean;{ t >= u } -> boolean;{ u < t } -> boolean;{ u > t } -> boolean;{ u <= t } -> boolean;{ u >= t } -> boolean;};[…]