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does not not satisfy readable
Section: [iterator.concept.readable] Status: Resolved Submitter: Eric Niebler Opened: 2019-09-09 Last modified: 2020-09-06
Priority: 1
View all issues with Resolved status.
In the current spec, shared_ptr<int>
is readable
, but shared_ptr<int>&
is not. That is because readable_traits
is not stripping top-level references before testing
for nested typedefs.
should see through cv- and ref-qualifiers, or else the
concept should strip top-level references when building the iter_value_t
associated type (e.g., iter_value_t<remove_reference_t<In>>
Suggest priority P1 because it effects the definition of a concept which cannot change after C++20.
[2019-10 Priority set to 1 after reflector discussion]
[2019-11 This should be resolved by P1878]
Previous resolution [SUPERSEDED]:
This wording is relative to N4830.
Modify [iterator.concept.readable], concept
synopsis, as indicated:template<class In> concept readable = requires { typename iter_value_t<remove_reference_t<In>>; typename iter_reference_t<In>; typename iter_rvalue_reference_t<In>; } && common_reference_with<iter_reference_t<In>&&, iter_value_t<remove_reference_t<In>>&> && common_reference_with<iter_reference_t<In>&&, iter_rvalue_reference_t<In>&&> && common_reference_with<iter_rvalue_reference_t<In>&&, const iter_value_t<remove_reference_t<In>>&>;
[2019-11; Resolved by the adoption of P1878 in Belfast]
Proposed resolution:
Resolved by P1878.