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Section: 28.7.6 [sf.cmath] Status: New Submitter: Casey Carter Opened: 2018-02-17 Last modified: 2018-06-19
Priority: 3
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28.7.6 [sf.cmath]/1 uses the phrase "report a domain error" (emphasis mine):
If any argument value to any of the functions specified in this subclause is a NaN (Not a Number), the function shall return a NaN but it shall not report a domain error. Otherwise, the function shall report a domain error for just those argument values for which:
the function description's Returns: clause explicitly specifies a domain and those argument values fall outside the specified domain, or
the corresponding mathematical function value has a nonzero imaginary component, or
the corresponding mathematical function is not mathematically defined.
The behavior this phrase is attempting to convey is unclear. A quick search through the text of the
standard for "domain error" finds only the domain_error
exception type defined in
19.2.4 [domain.error]. Is the intent of "report a domain error" that the special math functions
throw an exception of type domain_error
, or is it that they behave as specified in C11
7.12.1 "Treatment of error conditions" para 2 which defines the term "domain error"?
[2018-06-18 after reflector discussion]
Priority set to 3
Proposed resolution: