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Section: [expos.only.entity] Status: Resolved Submitter: Marshall Clow Opened: 2017-07-11 Last modified: 2023-02-07
Priority: 3
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[thread.decaycopy] says:
In several places in this Clause the operation
is used. All such uses mean call the functiondecay_copy(x)
and use the result, wheredecay_copy
is defined as follows:
but decay_copy
is not defined in any synopsis.
, except that theirs is also constexpr
and noexcept
We should mark the function decay_copy
as "exposition only" and constexpr
and noexcept
[2017-07-16, Daniel comments]
Currently there exists no proper way to mark decay_copy
as conditionally noexcept
as explained in
N3255 section "Adding to the Standard". This is also slighly related to
the request to add an is_nothrow_convertible
trait, as requested by LWG 2040.
[ 2017-11-01 P3 as result of c++std-lib online vote. ]
[2019-03-22; Daniel comments]
Starting with N4800 have now a constexpr
and conditionally noexcept
in the working draft ( [expos.only.func]). The pre-condition for that specification
helper became possible by adoption of P0758R1, which introduced the missing
[2020-05-03; Reflector discussions]
Resolved by editorial action starting with N4800.
Resolved by editorial creation ofdecay-copy
after acceptance of P0758R1.
Proposed resolution: