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Section: 27.7.5 [alg.replace] Status: CD1 Submitter: Martin Sebor Opened: 2000-12-15 Last modified: 2016-01-28
Priority: Not Prioritized
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Duplicate of: 483
(revision of the further discussion) There are a number of problems with the requires clauses for the algorithms in 25.1 and 25.2. The requires clause of each algorithm should describe the necessary and sufficient requirements on the inputs to the algorithm such that the algorithm compiles and runs properly. Many of the requires clauses fail to do this. Here is a summary of the kinds of mistakes:
Here is the list of algorithms that contain mistakes:
Also, in the requirements for EqualityComparable, the requirement that the operator be defined for const objects is lacking.
Proposed resolution:
20.1.1 Change p1 from
In Table 28, T
is a type to be supplied by a C++ program
instantiating a template, a
, b
, and c
values of type T
In Table 28, T
is a type to be supplied by a C++ program
instantiating a template, a
, b
, and c
values of type const T
25 Between p8 and p9
Add the following sentence:
When the description of an algorithm gives an expression such as
*first == value
for a condition, it is required that the expression
evaluate to either true or false in boolean contexts.
25.1.2 Change p1 by deleting the requires clause.
25.1.6 Change p1 by deleting the requires clause.
Change p4 from
-4- Requires: Type T
is EqualityComparable
(20.1.1), type Size is convertible to integral type (
-4- Requires: The type Size
is convertible to integral
type (
25.2.4 Change p1 from
-1- Requires: Type T
is Assignable
(23.1 ) (and, for replace()
, EqualityComparable
(20.1.1 )).
-1- Requires: The expression *first = new_value
must be valid.
and change p4 from
-4- Requires: Type T
is Assignable
(23.1) (and,
for replace_copy()
, EqualityComparable
(20.1.1)). The ranges [first, last)
and [result, result +
(last - first))
shall not overlap.
-4- Requires: The results of the expressions *first
must be writable to the result output iterator. The
ranges [first, last)
and [result, result + (last -
shall not overlap.
25.2.5 Change p1 from
-1- Requires: Type T
is Assignable
(23.1). The
type Size
is convertible to an integral type (
-1- Requires: The expression value
must be is writable to
the output iterator. The type Size
is convertible to an
integral type (
25.2.7 Change p1 from
-1- Requires: Type T
is EqualityComparable
-1- Requires: The value type of the iterator must be
The general idea of the proposed solution is to remove the faulty requires clauses and let the returns and effects clauses speak for themselves. That is, the returns clauses contain expressions that must be valid, and therefore already imply the correct requirements. In addition, a sentence is added at the beginning of chapter 25 saying that expressions given as conditions must evaluate to true or false in a boolean context. An alternative would be to say that the type of these condition expressions must be literally bool, but that would be imposing a greater restriction that what the standard currently says (which is convertible to bool).