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postcondition?Section: 15.25 [filesys.ts::fs.op.last_write_time] Status: NAD Submitter: GB-15 Opened: 2014-01-20 Last modified: 2016-08-10
Priority: Not Prioritized
View all other issues in [filesys.ts::fs.op.last_write_time].
View all issues with NAD status.
Addresses: filesys.ts
The constraint on last_write_time
is too weak: It is noted that the postcondition
of last_write_time(p) == new_time
is not specified since it might not hold for file
systems with coarse time granularity.
last_write_time(p) <= new_time
Add postcondition: last_write_time(p) <= new_time
[2014-02-09, Beman Dawes comments:]
That assumes the file system rounds down. We don't know which direction a file system rounds. Nice try, but this one looks NAD to me.[2014-02-13 LWG/SG-3 Issaquah: No consensus for change.]
Proposed resolution: