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method complexitySection: 24.2.8 [unord.req] Status: C++17 Submitter: Yegor Derevenets Opened: 2015-10-11 Last modified: 2017-07-30
Priority: 2
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I believe, the wording of the complexity specification for the standard
unordered containers' clear()
method should be changed from "Linear" to
"Linear in a.size()
". As of N4527,
the change should be done in the Complexity column of row "a.clear()
..." in "Table 102 — Unordered
associative container requirements" in section Unordered associative containers 24.2.8 [unord.req].
[2016-03 Jacksonville]
GR: erase(begin. end) has to touch every element. clear() has the option of working with buckets instead. will be faster in some cases, slower in some.
clear() has to be at least linear in size as it has to run destructors.
MC: wording needs to say what it's linear in, either elements or buckets.
HH: my vote is the proposed resolution is correct.
Move to Ready.
Proposed resolution:
This wording is relative to N4527.
Change 24.2.8 [unord.req], Table 102 as indicated:
Table 102 — Unordered associative container requirements (in addition to container) Expression Return type Assertion/note pre-/post-condition Complexity …
Erases all elements in the
container. Post:a.empty()
Linear in a.size()