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Section: 24.3.1 [sequences.general] Status: C++17 Submitter: Tim Song Opened: 2014-08-29 Last modified: 2017-07-30
Priority: 0
View all issues with C++17 status.
LWG 2194 removed "These container adaptors meet the requirements for sequence containers." from 24.6.1 [container.adaptors.general].
However, N3936 24.3.1 [sequences.general]/p2 still says "The headers<queue>
and <stack>
define container adaptors (23.6) that also meet the requirements for sequence containers." I assume this is just an oversight.
[Urbana 2014-11-07: Move to Ready]
Proposed resolution:
Delete paragraph 2 of 24.3.1 [sequences.general] as indicated:
-2- The headers<queue>
define container adaptors (23.6) that also meet the requirements for sequence containers.