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is unimplementableSection: [reverse.iterator] Status: C++14 Submitter: Stephan T. Lavavej Opened: 2014-02-07 Last modified: 2014-02-27
Priority: 1
View all other issues in [reverse.iterator].
View all issues with C++14 status.
Previously, C++03 [] required:
reference operator*() const;Effects:
Iterator tmp = current; return *--tmp;
Now, N3797 [reverse.iterator] depicts:
private: Iterator deref_tmp; // exposition only };
And [] requires:
reference operator*() const;Effects:
deref_tmp = current; --deref_tmp; return *deref_tmp;[Note: This operation must use an auxiliary member variable rather than a temporary variable to avoid returning a reference that persists beyond the lifetime of its associated iterator. (See 24.2.) — end note]
As written, this won't compile, because operator*()
is const
yet it's modifying (via assignment and decrement)
the deref_tmp
data member. So what happens if you say "mutable Iterator deref_tmp;
member functions to be callable from multiple threads simultaneously. This is []/3: "A C++ standard library function shall not directly or indirectly modify objects (1.10)
accessible by threads other than the current thread unless the objects are accessed directly or indirectly via the function's
non-const arguments, including this
Multiple threads simultaneously modifying deref_tmp
will trigger data races, so both mutable
and some form of
synchronization (e.g. mutex
or atomic
) are actually necessary!
Here's what implementations currently do: Dinkumware/VC follows C++03 and doesn't use deref_tmp
(attempting to
implement it is what led me to file this issue). According to Jonathan Wakely, libstdc++ also follows C++03 (see
PR51823 which is suspended until LWG 2204 is resolved). According to
Marshall Clow, libc++ uses deref_tmp
with mutable
but without synchronization, so it can trigger data races.
This deref_tmp
Standardese was added by LWG 198 "Validity of pointers and references unspecified after
iterator destruction" and is present in Working Papers going back to N1638
on April 11, 2004, long before C++ recognized the existence of multithreading and developed the "const
means simultaneously
readable" convention.
A related issue is LWG 1052 "reverse_iterator::operator->
should also support smart pointers" which
mentioned the need to depict mutable
in the Standardese, but it was resolved NAD Future and no change was made.
Finally, LWG 2204 "reverse_iterator
should not require a second copy of the base iterator" talked about
removing deref_tmp
, but without considering multithreading.
I argue that deref_tmp
must be removed. Its existence has highly undesirable consequences: either no synchronization
is used, violating the Standard's usual multithreading guarantees, or synchronization is used, adding further costs for all
users that benefit almost no iterators.
is attempting to handle iterators that return references to things "inside themselves", which I usually call
"stashing iterators" (as they have a secret stash). Note that these are very unusual, and are different from proxy iterators like
. While vector<bool>::iterator
's operator*()
does not return a true
reference, it refers to a bit that is unrelated to the iterator's lifetime.
[2014-02-14 Issaquah meeting: Move to Immediate]
Strike superfluous note to avoid potential confusion, and move to Immediate.
Proposed resolution:
This wording is relative to N3797.
Change class template reverse_iterator
synopsis, [reverse.iterator], as indicated:
[…] protected: Iterator current;private: Iterator deref_tmp; // exposition only};
Change [] as indicated:
reference operator*() const;-1- Effects:
deref_tmp = current; --deref_tmp; return *deref_tmp;Iterator tmp = current; return *--tmp;
-2- [Note: This operation must use an auxiliary member variable rather than a temporary variable to avoid returning a reference that persists beyond the lifetime of its associated iterator. (See 24.2.) — end note]