This page is a snapshot from the LWG issues list, see the Library Active Issues List for more information and the meaning of C++14 status.
should not have a Requires clauseSection: [string.access] Status: C++14 Submitter: Nevin Liber Opened: 2012-10-26 Last modified: 2016-01-28
Priority: Not Prioritized
View all other issues in [string.access].
View all issues with C++14 status.
has a wide contract and should not have a "Requires" clause on it.
[2013-01-17, Juan Soulie comments]
This issue would also apply to every member function of basic_string
that throws
, and to some cases where a length_error
can be thrown.
[2013-03-15 Issues Teleconference]
Moved to Review.
While this could simply move to Ready on inspection, there is concern that this will not be the only such case. Alisdair volunteers to review clause 21/23 for more of such issues for Bristol, and update the proposed resolution as necessary.
[2013-04-18, Bristol]
Proposed resolution:
This wording is relative to N3376.
Remove [string.access] p5:
const_reference at(size_type pos) const; reference at(size_type pos);-6- Throws:
-5- Requires:pos < size()
ifpos >= size()
. -7- Returns:operator[](pos)