This page is a snapshot from the LWG issues list, see the Library Active Issues List for more information and the meaning of Resolved status.
" requirementsSection: [nullablepointer.requirements], [input.iterators], [random.access.iterators], 26.1 [algorithms.general], 26.8 [alg.sorting], 32.2.1 [thread.req.paramname] Status: Resolved Submitter: Daniel Krügler Opened: 2011-12-09 Last modified: 2025-03-13
Priority: 3
View all other issues in [nullablepointer.requirements].
View all issues with Resolved status.
As of [utility.arg.requirements] Table 17/18, the return types of the expressions
a == b
a < b
for types satisfying the EqualityComparable
or LessThanComparable
types, respectively, are required to be "convertible to bool
" which corresponds to
a copy-initialization context. But several newer parts of the library that refer to
such contexts have lowered the requirements taking advantage of the new terminology of
"contextually convertible to bool
" instead, which corresponds to a
direct-initialization context (In addition to "normal" direct-initialization constructions,
operands of logical operations as well as if
or switch
conditions also
belong to this special context).
but also specify that the expression
a != b
shall be just "contextually convertible to bool
". The same discrepancy
exists for requirement set NullablePointer
in regard to several equality-related expressions.
a < b
contextually convertible tobool
as well as for all derived comparison functions, so strictly speaking we could have a random access
iterator that does not satisfy the LessThanComparable
requirements, which looks like an
artifact to me.
we still would have the problem that some current specifications
are actually based on the assumption of implicit convertibility instead of "explicit convertibility", e.g. [unique.ptr.special] p3:
template <class T1, class D1, class T2, class D2> bool operator!=(const unique_ptr<T1, D1>& x, const unique_ptr<T2, D2>& y);-3- Returns:
x.get() != y.get()
Similar examples exist in [unique.ptr.single.dtor] p2, [unique.ptr.single.asgn] p9, [unique.ptr.single.observers] p1+3+8, etc.
In all these places the expressions involving comparison functions (but not those of the conversion of aNullablePointer
to bool
!) assume to be "convertible to bool
". I think this
is a very natural assumption and all delegations of the comparison functions of some type X
to some
other API type Y
in third-party code does so assuming that copy-initialization semantics will
just work.
The actual reason for using the newer terminology can be rooted back to LWG 556(i). My hypotheses
is that the resolution of that issue also needs a slight correction. Why so?
The reason for opening that issue were worries based on the previous "convertible to bool
wording. An expressions like "!pred(a, b)
" might not be well-formed in those situations, because
might not be accessible or might have an unusual semantics (and similarly for other logical
operations). This can indeed happen with unusual proxy return types, so the idea was that the evaluation of
, BinaryPredicate
(26.1 [algorithms.general] p8+9), and Compare
(26.8 [alg.sorting] p2) should be defined based on contextual conversion to bool
Unfortunately this alone is not sufficient: In addition, I think, we also want the predicates
to be (implicitly) convertible to bool
! Without this wording, several conditions are plain wrong,
e.g. 26.6.6 [alg.find] p2, which talks about "pred(*i) != false
" (find_if
) and
"pred(*i) == false
" (find_if_not
). These expressions are not within a boolean context!
While we could simply fix all these places by proper wording to be considered in a "contextual conversion to
", I think that this is not the correct solution: Many third-party libraries already refer to
the previous C++03 Predicate
definition — it actually predates C++98 and is as old as the
SGI specification. It seems to be a high price to
pay to switch to direct initialization here instead of fixing a completely different specification problem.
A final observation is that we have another definition for a Predicate
in 32.2.1 [thread.req.paramname] p2:
If a parameter is
applied to the actual template argument shall return a value that is convertible tobool
The problem here is not that we have two different definitions of Predicate
in the standard — this
is confusing, but this fact alone is not a defect. The first (minor) problem is that this definition does not properly
apply to function objects that are function pointers, because operator()
is not defined in a strict sense.
But the actually worse second problem is that this wording has the very same
problem that has originally lead to
LWG 556(i)! We only need to look at 32.7.4 [thread.condition.condvar] p15 to recognice this:
while (!pred()) wait(lock);
The negation expression here looks very familiar to the example provided in LWG 556(i) and is sensitive
to the same "unusual proxy" problem. Changing the 32.2.1 [thread.req.paramname] wording to a corresponding
"contextual conversion to bool
" wouldn't work either, because existing specifications rely on "convertible
to bool
", e.g. 32.7.4 [thread.condition.condvar] p32+33+42 or 32.7.5 [thread.condition.condvarany]
" the actual problem of that
issue has not been fixed. What actually needs to be required here is some normative wording that basically
expresses something along the lines of:
The semantics of any contextual conversion to
shall be equivalent to the semantics of any implicit conversion tobool
This is still not complete without having concepts, but it seems to be a better approximation. Another way of solving this issue would be to define a minimum requirements table with equivalent semantics. The proposed wording is a bit simpler but attempts to express the same thing.
[2012, Kona]
Agree with Daniel that we potentially broke some C++03 user code, accept the changes striking "contextually" from tables. Stefan to provide revised wording for section 25, and figure out changes to section 30.
Move to open, and then to Review when updated wording from Stefan is available.
[2012-10-12, STL comments]
The current proposed resolution still isn't completely satisfying. It would certainly be possible for the Standard to
require these various expressions to be implicitly and contextually convertible to bool
, but that would have
a subtle consequence (which, I will argue, is undesirable - regardless of the fact that it dates all the way back to
C++98/03). It would allow users to provide really wacky types to the Standard Library, with one of two effects:
Standard Library implementations would have to go to great lengths to respect such wacky types, essentially using
when invoking any predicates or comparators.
Otherwise, such wacky types would be de facto nonportable, because they would make Standard Library implementations explode.
Effect B is the status quo we're living with today. What Standard Library implementations want to do with pred(args)
goes beyond "if (pred(args))
" (C++03), contextually converting pred(args)
to bool
(C++11), or
implicitly and contextually converting pred(args)
to bool
(the current proposed resolution).
Implementations want to say things like:
if (pred(args)) if (!pred(args)) if (cond && pred(args)) if (cond && !pred(args))
These are real examples taken from Dinkumware's implementation. There are others that would be realistic
("pred(args) && cond
", "cond || pred(args)
", etc.)
to be implicitly and contextually convertible to bool
doesn't prevent operator!()
from being overloaded and returning std::string
(as a wacky example). More
ominously, it doesn't prevent operator&&()
and operator||()
from being overloaded and destroying
I would like LWG input before working on Standardese for a new proposed resolution. Here's an outline of what I'd like to do:
Introduce a new "concept" in 16.4.4 [utility.requirements], which I would call BooleanTestable
in the
absence of better ideas.
Centralize things and reduce verbosity by having everything simply refer to BooleanTestable
when necessary.
I believe that the tables could say "Return type: BooleanTestable
", while Predicate/BinaryPredicate/Compare
would need the incantation "shall satisfy the requirements of BooleanTestable".
Resolve the tug-of-war between users (who occasionally want to do weird things) and implementers (who don't want to have to contort their code) by requiring that:
Given a BooleanTestable x
, x
is both implicitly and contextually convertible to bool
Given a BooleanTestable x
, !x
is BooleanTestable
. (This is intentionally "recursive".)
Given a BooleanTestable x
, bool t = x, t2(x), f = !x;
has the postcondition t == t2 && t != f
Given a BooleanTestable x
and a BooleanTestable y
of possibly different types, "x && y
and "x || y
" invoke the built-in operator&&()
and operator||()
, triggering short-circuiting.
is BooleanTestable
I believe that this simultaneously gives users great latitude to use types other than bool
, while allowing
implementers to write reasonable code in order to get their jobs done. (If I'm forgetting anything that implementers
would want to say, please let me know.)
About requirement (I): As Daniel patiently explained to me, we need to talk about both implicit conversions and
contextual conversions, because it's possible for a devious type to have both "explicit operator bool()
and "operator int()
", which might behave differently (or be deleted, etc.).
About requirement (IV): This is kind of tricky. What we'd like to say is, "BooleanTestable
can't ever trigger
an overloaded logical operator". However, given a perfectly reasonable type Nice
- perhaps even bool
itself! -
other code (perhaps a third-party library) could overload operator&&(Nice, Evil)
. Therefore, I believe
that the requirement should be "no first use" - the Standard Library will ask for various BooleanTestable
from users (for example, the result of "first != last
" and the result of "pred(args)
"), and as long
as they don't trigger overloaded logical operators with each other, everything is awesome.
About requirement (V): This is possibly redundant, but it's trivial to specify, makes it easier for users to understand
what they need to do ("oh, I can always achieve this with bool
"), and provides a "base case" for requirement
(IV) that may or may not be necessary. Since bool
is BooleanTestable
, overloading
operator&&(bool, Other)
(etc.) clearly makes the Other
type non-BooleanTestable
This wording is relative to the FDIS.
Change Table 25 — "
requirements" in [nullablepointer.requirements] as indicated:
Table 25 — NullablePointer
requirementsExpression Return type Operational semantics […]
a != b
contextuallyconvertible tobool
!(a == b)
a == np
np == acontextuallyconvertible tobool
a == P()
a != np
np != acontextuallyconvertible tobool
!(a == np)
Change Table 107 — "Input iterator requirements" in [input.iterators] as indicated:
Table 107 — Input iterator requirements (in addition to Iterator) Expression Return type Operational semantics Assertion/note
pre-/post-conditiona != b
contextuallyconvertible tobool
!(a == b)
pre: (a, b)
is in the domain of==
Change Table 111 — "Random access iterator requirements" in [random.access.iterators] as indicated:
Table 111 — Random access iterator requirements (in addition to bidirectional iterator) Expression Return type Operational semantics Assertion/note
a < b
contextuallyconvertible tobool
b - a > 0
is a total ordering relationa > b
contextuallyconvertible tobool
b < a
is a total ordering relation opposite to<
.a >= b
contextuallyconvertible tobool
!(a < b)
a <= b
contextuallyconvertible tobool
!(a > b)
Change 26.1 [algorithms.general] p8+9 as indicated:
-8- The
-9- ThePredicate
parameter is used whenever an algorithm expects a function object (22.10 [function.objects]) that, when applied to the result of dereferencing the corresponding iterator, returns a value testable astrue
. In other words, if an algorithm takesPredicate pred
as its argument and first as its iterator argument, it should work correctly in the constructpred(*first)
implicitly or contextually converted tobool
(Clause 7.3 [conv]). The function objectpred
shall not apply any non-constant function through the dereferenced iterator.BinaryPredicate
parameter is used whenever an algorithm expects a function object that when applied to the result of dereferencing two corresponding iterators or to dereferencing an iterator and typeT
is part of the signature returns a value testable astrue
. In other words, if an algorithm takesBinaryPredicate binary_pred
as its argument andfirst1
as its iterator arguments, it should work correctly in the constructbinary_pred(*first1, *first2)
implicitly or contextually converted tobool
(Clause 7.3 [conv]).BinaryPredicate
always takes the first iterator'svalue_type
as its first argument, that is, in those cases whenT
value is part of the signature, it should work correctly in the constructbinary_pred(*first1, value)
implicitly or contextually converted tobool
(Clause 7.3 [conv]).binary_pred
shall not apply any non-constant function through the dereferenced iterators.Change 26.8 [alg.sorting] p2 as indicated:
is a function object type (22.10 [function.objects]). The return value of the function call operation applied to an object of typeCompare
, when implicitly or contextually converted tobool
(7.3 [conv]), yieldstrue
if the first argument of the call is less than the second, andfalse
otherwise.Compare comp
is used throughout for algorithms assuming an ordering relation. It is assumed thatcomp
will not apply any non-constant function through the dereferenced iterator.Change 32.2.1 [thread.req.paramname] p2 as indicated:
If a parameter isPredicate
, operator() applied to the actual template argument shall return a value that is convertible tobool
is a function object type (22.10 [function.objects]). The return value of the function call operation applied to an object of typePredicate
, when implicitly or contextually converted tobool
(7.3 [conv]), yieldstrue
if the corresponding test condition is satisfied, andfalse
[2014-05-20, Daniel suggests concrete wording based on STL's proposal]
The presented wording follows relatively closely STL's outline with the following notable exceptions:
A reference to BooleanTestable
in table "Return Type" specifications seemed very unusual to me and
I found no "prior art" for this in the Standard. Instead I decided to follow the usual style to add a symbol
with a specific meaning to a specific paragraph that specifies symbols and their meanings.
STL's requirement IV suggested to directly refer to built-in operators &&
and ||
. In my
opinion this concrete requirement isn't needed if we simply require that two BooleanTestable
operands behave
equivalently to two those operands after conversion to bool
(each of them).
I couldn't find a good reason to require normatively that type bool
meets the requirements of BooleanTestable
: My
assertion is that after having defined them, the result simply falls out of this. But to make this a bit clearer, I added
also a non-normative note to these effects.
[2014-06-10, STL comments]
In the current wording I would like to see changed the suggested changes described by bullet #6:
In 23.2.2 [container.requirements.general] p4 undo the suggested change
Then change the 7 occurrences of "convertible to bool
" in the denoted tables to "bool
[2015-05-05 Lenexa]
STL: Alisdair wanted to do something here, but Daniel gave us updated wording.
[2015-07 Telecon]
Alisdair: Should specify we don't break short circuiting.
Ville: Looks already specified because that's the way it works for bool.
Geoffrey: Maybe add a note about the short circuiting.
B2/P2 is somewhat ambiguous. It implies that B has to be both implicitly convertible to bool and contextually convertible to bool.
We like this, just have nits.
Status stays Open.
Marshall to ping Daniel with feedback.
[2016-02-27, Daniel updates wording]
The revised wording has been updated from N3936 to N4567.
To satisfy the Kona 2015 committee comments, the wording in
[booleantestable.requirements] has been improved to better separate the two different requirements of "can be
contextually converted to bool
" and "can be implicitly converted to bool
. Both are necessary because
it is possible to define a type that has the latter property but not the former, such as the following one:
2016-08-07, Daniel: The below example has been corrected to reduce confusion about the performed conversions as indicated by the delta markers:
using Bool = int; struct OddBoolean { explicit operator bool() const = delete; operator Bool() const;OddBoolean(bool) = delete; OddBoolean(Bool){}} ob; bool b2 = ob; // OK bool b1(ob); // ErrorOddBoolean b2 = true; // OK OddBoolean b1(true); // Error
In [booleantestable.requirements] a note has been added to ensure that an implementation is not allowed to break any short-circuiting semantics.
I decided to separate LWG 2587(i)/2588(i) from this issue. Both these issues aren't exactly the same but depending on the committee's position, their resolution might benefit from the new vocabulary introduced here.
[2021-06-25; Daniel comments]
The paper P2167R1 is provided to resolve this issue.
[2022-05-01; Daniel comments]
The paper P2167R2 is provided to resolve this issue.
Previous resolution [SUPERSEDED]:
This wording is relative to N4567.
Change [utility.arg.requirements] p1, Table 17 — "EqualityComparable requirements", and Table 18 — "LessThanComparable requirements" as indicated:
-1- […] In these tables,
is an object or reference type to be supplied by a C++ program instantiating a template;a
, andc
are values of type (possiblyconst
are modifiable lvalues of typeT
denotes an identifier;rv
is an rvalue of typeT
is an lvalue of type (possiblyconst
or an rvalue of typeconst T
; andBT
denotes a type that meets theBooleanTestable
requirements ([booleantestable.requirements]).
Table 17 — EqualityComparable
requirements [equalitycomparable]Expression Return type Requirement a == b
convertible to
is an equivalence relation, that is, it has the following properties: […][…]
Table 18 — LessThanComparable
requirements [lessthancomparable]Expression Return type Requirement a < b
convertible to
is a strict weak ordering relation (26.8 [alg.sorting])Between [swappable.requirements] and [nullablepointer.requirements] insert a new sub-clause as indicated:
requirements [booleantestable.requirements]-?- A
An objectBooleanTestable
type is a boolean-like type that also supports conversions tobool
. A typeB
meets theBooleanTestable
requirements if the expressions described in Table ?? are valid and have the indicated semantics, and ifB
also satisfies all the other requirements of this sub-clause [booleantestable.requirements].b
of typeB
can be implicitly converted tobool
and in addition can be contextually converted tobool
(Clause 4). The result values of both kinds of conversions shall be equivalent. [Example: The typesbool
, andstd::bitset<>::reference
types. — end example] For the purpose of Table ??, letB2
denote types (possibly both equal toB
or to each other) that meet theBooleanTestable
requirements, letb1
denote a (possiblyconst
) value ofB
, letb2
denote a (possiblyconst
) value ofB2
, and lett1
denote a value of typebool
. [Note: These rules ensure what an implementation can rely on but doesn't grant it license to break short-circuiting behavior of aBooleanTestable
type. — end note]Somewhere within the new sub-clause [booleantestable.requirements] insert the following new Table (?? denotes the assigned table number):
Table ?? — BooleanTestable
requirements [booleantestable]Expression Return type Operational semantics bool(b1)
Remarks: bool(b1) == t1
for every value
implicitly converted tot1
Remarks: bool(b1) == !bool(!b1)
every valueb1
.b1 && b2
bool(b1) && bool(b2)
b1 || b2
bool(b1) || bool(b2)
Change [nullablepointer.requirements] p5 and Table 25 — "NullablePointer requirements" as indicated:
-5- In Table 25,u
denotes an identifier,t
denotes a non-const
lvalue of typeP
denote values of type (possiblyconst
denotes a value of type (possiblyconst
, andBT
denotes a type that meets theBooleanTestable
requirements ([booleantestable.requirements]). […]
Table 25 — NullablePointer
requirements [nullablepointer]Expression Return type Operational semantics …
a != b
contextually convertible tobool
[…] a == np
np == a
contextually convertible tobool
[…] a != np
np != a
contextually convertible tobool
[…] Change 22.4.9 [tuple.rel] as indicated;
template<class... TTypes, class... UTypes> constexpr bool operator==(const tuple<TTypes...>& t, const tuple<UTypes...>& u);-1- Requires: For all
, where0 <= i
andi < sizeof...(TTypes)
,get<i>(t) == get<i>(u)
is a valid expression returning a type thatis convertible tomeets thebool
requirements ([booleantestable.requirements]).sizeof...(TTypes) == sizeof...(UTypes)
.template<class... TTypes, class... UTypes> constexpr bool operator<(const tuple<TTypes...>& t, const tuple<UTypes...>& u);-4- Requires: For all
, where0 <= i
andi < sizeof...(TTypes)
,get<i>(t) < get<i>(u)
andget<i>(u) < get<i>(t)
are valid expressions returning types thatare convertible tomeet thebool
requirements ([booleantestable.requirements]).sizeof...(TTypes) == sizeof...(UTypes)
.Change 23.2.2 [container.requirements.general], Table 95 — "Container requirements", and Table 97 — "Optional container operations" as indicated:
-4- In Tables 95, 96, and 97
denotes a container class containing objects of typeT
denote values of typeX
denotes an identifier,r
denotes a non-const
value of typeX
denotes a non-const
rvalue of typeX
, andBT
denotes a type that meets theBooleanTestable
requirements ([booleantestable.requirements]).
Table 95 — Container requirements Expression Return type […] …
a == b
convertible to
[…] a != b
convertible to
[…] …
convertible to
[…] […]
Table 97 — Optional container requirements Expression Return type […] …
a < b
convertible to
[…] a > b
convertible to
[…] a <= b
convertible to
[…] a >= b
convertible to
[…] Change 24.3.1 [iterator.requirements.general], Table 106 — "Input iterator requirements", and Table 110 — "Random access iterator requirements" as indicated:
-12- In the following sections,
denote values of typeX
orconst X
refer to the typesiterator_traits<X>::difference_type
, respectively,n
denotes a value ofdifference_type
, andm
denote identifiers,r
denotes a value ofX&
denotes a value of value typeT
denotes a value of some type that is writable to the output iterator, andBT
denotes a type that meets theBooleanTestable
requirements ([booleantestable.requirements]).
Table 106 — Input iterator requirements Expression Return type […] a != b
contextually convertible to
[…] […]
Table 110 — Random access iterator requirements Expression Return type […] …
a < b
contextually convertible to
[…] a > b
contextually convertible to
[…] a >= b
contextually convertible to
[…] a <= b
contextually convertible to
[…] Change 26.1 [algorithms.general] p8+p9 as indicated:
[Drafting note: The wording changes below also fix (a) unusual wording forms used ("should work") which are unclear in which sense they are imposing normative requirements and (b) the problem, that the current wording seems to allow that the predicate may mutate a call argument, if that is not a dereferenced iterator. Upon applying the new wording it became obvious that the both the previous and the new wording has the effect that currently algorithms such as
, andunique_copy
are not correctly described (because they have no iterator argument namedfirst1
), which could give raise to a new library issue. — end drafting note]-8- The
-9- ThePredicate
parameter is used whenever an algorithm expects a function object (20.9) that, when applied to the result of dereferencing the corresponding iterator, returns a value testable astrue
.In other words, iIf an algorithm takesPredicate pred
as its argument andfirst
as its iterator argument,it should work correctly in the constructthe expressionpred(*first)
contextually converted tobool
(Clause 4)pred(*first)
shall have a type that meets theBooleanTestable
requirements ( [booleantestable.requirements]). The function objectpred
shall not apply any non-constant function throughthe dereferenced iteratorits argument.BinaryPredicate
parameter is used whenever an algorithm expects a function object that when applied to the result of dereferencing two corresponding iterators or to dereferencing an iterator and typeT
is part of the signature returns a value testable astrue
.In other words, iIf an algorithm takesBinaryPredicate binary_pred
as its argument andfirst1
as its iterator arguments,it should work correctly in the constructthe expressionbinary_pred(*first1, *first2)
contextually converted tobool
(Clause 4)binary_pred(*first1, *first2)
shall have a type that meets theBooleanTestable
requirements ( [booleantestable.requirements]).BinaryPredicate
always takes the first iterator'svalue_type
as its first argument, that is, in those cases whenT
value is part of the signature,it should work correctly in the constructthe expressionbinary_pred(*first1, value)
contextually converted tobool
(Clause 4)binary_pred(*first1, value)
shall have a type that meets theBooleanTestable
requirements ( [booleantestable.requirements]).binary_pred
shall not apply any non-constant function throughthe dereferenced iteratorsany of its arguments.Change 26.8 [alg.sorting] p2 as indicated:
is a function object type (20.9).The return value of the function call operation applied to an object of typeCompare
, when contextually converted tobool
(Clause 4), yieldstrue
if the first argument of the call is less than the second, andfalse
otherwise.Compare comp
is used throughout for algorithms assuming an ordering relation. Leta
denote two argument values whose types depend on the corresponding algorithm. Then the expressioncomp(a, b)
shall have a type that meets theBooleanTestable
requirements ( [booleantestable.requirements]). The return value ofcomp(a, b)
, converted tobool
, yieldstrue
if the first argumenta
is less than the second argumentb
, andfalse
otherwise. It is assumed thatcomp
will not apply any non-constant function throughthe dereferenced iteratorany of its arguments. […]Change [fpos.operations] and Table 126 — "Position type requirements" as indicated:
-1- Operations specified in Table 126 are permitted. In that table,
refers to an instance offpos
refers to a value of typestreamoff
refers to a type that meets theBooleanTestable
requirements ([booleantestable.requirements]),[…]
Table 126 — Position type requirements Expression Return type […] …
p == q
convertible tobool
[…] p != q
convertible tobool
[…] Change 32.2.1 [thread.req.paramname] p1 as indicated:
-1- Throughout this Clause, the names of template parameters are used to express type requirements.
If a template parameter is namedPredicate
applied to the template argument shall return a value that is convertible tobool
is a function object type (22.10 [function.objects]). Letpred
denote an lvalue of typePredicate
. Then the expressionpred()
shall have a type that meets theBooleanTestable
requirements ( [booleantestable.requirements]). The return value ofpred()
, converted tobool
, yieldstrue
if the corresponding test condition is satisfied, andfalse
[2022-11-05; Daniel comments]
The paper P2167R3 has been reviewed and accepted by LWG and would solve this issue.
[2022-11-22 Resolved by P2167R3 accepted in Kona. Status changed: Open → Resolved.]
Proposed resolution: