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move-assignmentSection: [valarray.assign] Status: C++14 Submitter: Paolo Carlini Opened: 2011-05-05 Last modified: 2016-01-28
Priority: Not Prioritized
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Yesterday I noticed that the language we have in the FDIS about std::valarray
move assignment
is inconsistent with the resolution of LWG 675. Indeed, we guarantee constant complexity (vs linear
complexity). We also want it to be noexcept, that is more subtle, but again it's at variance with all
the containers.
? Shall we maybe just strike or fix the as-if, consider it
some sort of pasto from the copy-assignment text, thus keep the noexcept and constant complexity requirements
(essentially the whole operation would boild down to a swap of POD data members). Or LWG 675 should be
explicitly extended to std::valarray
too? In that case both noexcept and constant complexity
would go, I think, and the operation would boil down to the moral equivalent of clear()
doesn't really exist in this case) + swap
Howard: I agree the current wording is incorrect. The complexity should be linear in size()
) because the first thing this operator needs to do is resize(0)
(or clear()
as you put it).
As for proper wording, here's a first suggestion:
Complexity: linear.*this
obtains the value ofv
. The value ofv
after the assignment is not specified.
See also reflector discussion starting with c++std-lib-30690.
[2012, Kona]
Move to Ready.
Some discussion on the types supported by valarray
concludes that the wording is
trying to say something similar to the core wording for trivial types, but significantly
predates it, and does allow for types with non-trivial destructors. Howard notes that
the only reason for linear complexity, rather than constant, is to support types with
non-trivial destructors.
AJM suggests replacing the word 'value' with 'state', but straw poll prefers moving forward with the current wording, 5 to 2.
[2012, Portland: applied to WP]
Proposed resolution:
This wording is relative to the FDIS.
In [valarray.assign] update as follows:
valarray<T>& operator=(valarray<T>&& v) noexcept;3 Effects:
4 Complexity:*this
obtains the value ofv
.If the length ofThe value ofv
is not equal to the length of*this
, resizes*this
to make the two arrays the same length, as if by callingresize(v.size())
, before performing the assignment.v
after the assignment is not specified.ConstantLinear.