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Section: [vector.capacity] Status: Resolved Submitter: Rani Sharoni Opened: 2011-03-29 Last modified: 2016-01-28
Priority: Not Prioritized
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In C++1x (N3090) there are two version of vector::resize
— [vector.capacity]:
void resize(size_type sz); void resize(size_type sz, const T& c);
The text in [vector.capacity]/12 only mentions "no effects on throw" for the two args version of resize:
Requires: If an exception is thrown other than by the move constructor of a non-
there are no effects.
This seems like unintentional oversight since resize(size)
semantically the same as resize(size, T())
Additionally, the C++03 standard only specify single version of resize
with default for the second argument - 23.2.4:
void resize(size_type sz, T c = T());
Therefore not requiring same guarantees for both version of resize is in fact a regression.
[2011-06-12: Daniel comments]
The proposed resolution for issue 2033 should solve this issue as well.
[ 2011 Bloomington ]
This issue will be resolved by issue 2033, and closed when this issue is applied.
[2012, Kona]
Resolved by adopting the resolution in issue 2033 at this meeting.
Proposed resolution:
Apply the proposed resolution of issue 2033