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and begin/end
Section: 28.6 [numarray] Status: C++14 Submitter: Gabriel Dos Reis Opened: 2011-05-17 Last modified: 2016-01-28
Priority: Not Prioritized
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It was just brought to my attention that the pair of functions
were added to valarray
Those additions strike me as counter to the long standing agreement
that valarray<T>
is not yet another container. Valarray values
are in general supposed to be treated as a whole, and as such
has a loose specification allowing expression template techniques.
- or at least for the
const valarray<T>&
version. I strongly believe those
are defects.
[This issue was discussed on the library reflector starting from c++std-lib-30761. Some of the key conclusions of this discussion were:]
members were added to allow valarray
to participate
in the new range-based for-loop by n2930
and not to make them container-like.begin/end
become invalidated. To fix this, these invalidation rules need at
least to reflect the invalidation rules of the references returned by the
overloads of valarray
( [valarray.access]).
, if the
replacement type technique is used (which was clearly part of the design of valarray
Providing such additional overloads would also lead to life-time problems in examples like
begin(x + y)
where x
and y
are expressions involving valarray
objects. To fix this, the begin/end
overloads could be explicitly excluded from the
general statements of 28.6.1 [valarray.syn] p.3-5. This would make it unspecified
whether the expression begin(x + y)
would be well-formed, portable code would
need to write this as begin(std::valarray<T>(x + y))
.[ 2011 Bloomington ]
The intent of these overloads is entirely to support the new for syntax, and not to create new containers.
Stefanus provides suggested wording.
[2012, Kona]
Moved to Tenatively Ready by post-meeting issues processing group, after confirmation from Gaby.
[2012, Portland: applied to WP]
Proposed resolution:
In 28.6.1 [valarray.syn]/4, make the following insertion:
4 Implementations introducing such replacement types shall provide additional functions and operators as follows:
const valarray<T>&
other than begin
and end
(28.6.10 [valarray.range]), identical functions taking the replacement types shall be added;
const valarray<T>&
arguments, identical functions taking every combination
of const valarray<T>&
and replacement types shall be added.
In 28.6.10 [valarray.range], make the following insertion:
1 In the begin
and end
function templates that follow, unspecified1 is a type that meets
the requirements of a mutable random access iterator (24.2.7) whose value_type
is the template parameter
and whose reference
type is T&
. unspecified2 is a type that meets the
requirements of a constant random access iterator (24.2.7) whose value_type
is the template parameter
and whose reference
type is const T&
2 The iterators returned by begin
and end
for an array are guaranteed to be valid until the
member function resize(size_t, T)
( [valarray.members]) is called for that array or until
the lifetime of that array ends, whichever happens first.