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algorithmSection: 27 [algorithms] Status: NAD Submitter: Igor Semenov Opened: 2009-12-07 Last modified: 2019-02-26
Priority: Not Prioritized
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Motivation and Scope
Splitting strings into parts by some set of delimiters is an often task, but
there is no simple and generalized solution in C++ Standard. Usually C++
developers use std::basic_stringstream<>
to split string into
parts, but there are several inconvenient restrictions:
Impact on the Standard
This algorithm doesn't interfere with any of current standard algorithms.
Design Decisions
This algorithm is implemented in terms of input/output iterators. Also, there is
one additional wrapper for const CharType *
specified delimiters.
Example implementation
template< class It, class DelimIt, class OutIt > void split( It begin, It end, DelimIt d_begin, DelimIt d_end, OutIt out ) { while ( begin != end ) { It it = std::find_first_of( begin, end, d_begin, d_end ); *out++ = std::make_pair( begin, it ); begin = std::find_first_of( it, end, d_begin, d_end, std::not2( std::equal_to< typename It::value_type >() ) ); } } template< class It, class CharType, class OutIt > void split( It begin, It end, const CharType * delim, OutIt out ) { split( begin, end, delim, delim + std::strlen( delim ), out ); }
std::string ss( "word1 word2 word3" ); std::vector< std::pair< std::string::const_iterator, std::string::const_iterator > > v; split( ss.begin(), ss.end(), " ", std::back_inserter( v ) ); for ( int i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i ) { std::cout << std::string( v[ i ].first, v[ i ].second ) << std::endl; } // word1 // word2 // word3
[ 2010-01-22 Moved to Tentatively NAD Future after 5 positive votes on c++std-lib. Rationale added below. ]
[LEWG Kona 2017]
Recommend NAD: Paper encouraged. Have papers for this; LEWG259.
The LWG is not considering completely new features for standardization at this time. We would like to revisit this good suggestion for a future TR and/or standard.
Proposed resolution:
Add to the synopsis in 27.1 [algorithms.general]:
template< class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2, class OutputIterator > void split( ForwardIterator1 first, ForwardIterator1 last, ForwardIterator2 delimiter_first, ForwardIterator2 delimiter_last, OutputIterator result ); template< class ForwardIterator1, class CharType, class OutputIterator > void split( ForwardIterator1 first, ForwardIterator1 last, const CharType * delimiters, OutputIterator result );
Add a new section [alg.split]:
template< class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2, class OutputIterator > void split( ForwardIterator1 first, ForwardIterator1 last, ForwardIterator2 delimiter_first, ForwardIterator2 delimiter_last, OutputIterator result );1. Effects: splits the range
[first, last)
into parts, using any element of[delimiter_first, delimiter_last)
as a delimiter. Results are pushed to output iterator in the form ofstd::pair<ForwardIterator1, ForwardIterator1>
. Each of these pairs specifies a maximal subrange of[first, last)
which does not contain a delimiter.2. Returns: nothing.
3. Complexity: Exactly
last - first
assignments.template< class ForwardIterator1, class CharType, class OutputIterator > void split( ForwardIterator1 first, ForwardIterator1 last, const CharType * delimiters, OutputIterator result );1. Effects: split the range
[first, last)
into parts, using any element ofdelimiters
(interpreted as zero-terminated string) as a delimiter. Results are pushed to output iterator in the form ofstd::pair<ForwardIterator1, ForwardIterator1>
. Each of these pairs specifies a maximal subrange of[first, last)
which does not contain a delimiter.2. Returns: nothing.
3. Complexity: Exactly
last - first