This is an unofficial snapshot of the ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG21 Core Issues List revision 116c. See for the official list.
[Voted into WP at the October, 2006 meeting.]
One might assume from 13.9.2 [temp.inst] paragraph 1 that argument-dependent lookup would require instantiation of any class template specializations used in argument types:
Unless a class template specialization has been explicitly instantiated (13.9.3 [temp.explicit]) or explicitly specialized (13.9.4 [temp.expl.spec]), the class template specialization is implicitly instantiated when the specialization is referenced in a context that requires a completely-defined object type or when the completeness of the class type affects the semantics of the program.
A complete class type is required to determine the associated classes and namespaces for the argument type (to determine the class's bases) and to determine the friend functions declared by the class, so the completeness of the class type certainly “affects the semantics of the program.”
This conclusion is reinforced by the second bullet of 6.5.4 [basic.lookup.argdep] paragraph 2:
If T is a class type (including unions), its associated classes are: the class itself; the class of which it is a member, if any; and its direct and indirect base classes. Its associated namespaces are the namespaces in which its associated classes are defined.
A class template specialization is a class type, so the second bullet would appear to apply, requiring the specialization to be instantiated in order to determine its base classes.
However, bullet 8 of that paragraph deals explicitly with class template specializations:
If T is a class template specialization its associated namespaces and classes are the namespace in which the template is defined; for member templates, the member template's class; the namespaces and classes associated with the types of the template arguments provided for template type parameters (excluding template template parameters); the namespaces in which any template template arguments are defined; and the classes in which any member templates used as template template arguments are defined.
Note that the class template specialization itself is not listed as an associated class, unlike other class types, and there is no mention of base classes. If bullet 8 were intended as a supplement to the treatment of class types in bullet 2, one would expect phrasing along the lines of, “In addition to the associated namespaces and classes for all class types...” or some such; instead, bullet 8 reads like a self-contained and complete specification.
If argument-dependent lookup does not cause implicit instantiation, however, examples like the following fail:
template <typename T> class C { friend void f(C<T>*) { } }; void g(C<int>* p) { f(p); // found by ADL?? }
Implementations differ in whether this example works or not.
Proposed resolution (April, 2006):
Change bullet 2 of 6.5.4 [basic.lookup.argdep] paragraph 2 as indicated:
If T is a class type (including unions), its associated
classes are: the class itself; the class of which it is a member, if
any; and its direct and indirect base classes. Its associated
namespaces are the namespaces in of which its associated
classes are defined members. Furthermore,
if T is a class template specialization, its associated
namespaces and classes also include: the namespaces and classes
associated with the types of the template arguments provided for
template type parameters (excluding template template parameters); the
namespaces of which any template template arguments are members; and
the classes of which any member templates used as template template
arguments are members. [Note: Non-type template arguments do not
contribute to the set of associated namespaces. —end
Delete bullet 8 of 6.5.4 [basic.lookup.argdep] paragraph 2:
If T is a class template specialization its associated
namespaces and classes are the namespace in which the template is
defined; for member templates, the member template's class; the
namespaces and classes associated with the types of the template
arguments provided for template type parameters (excluding template
template parameters); the namespaces in which any template template
arguments are defined; and the classes in which any member templates
used as template template arguments are defined. [Note: non-type
template arguments do not contribute to the set of associated
namespaces. —end note]