This is an unofficial snapshot of the ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG21 Core Issues List revision 115c. See for the official list.


399. Destructor lookup redux

Section: 11.4.7  [class.dtor]     Status: CD6     Submitter: John Spicer     Date: 17 Jan 2003

[Accepted at the November, 2020 meeting as part of paper P1787R6 and moved to DR at the February, 2021 meeting.]

Mark Mitchell raised a number of issues related to the resolution of issue 244 and of destructor lookup in general.

Issue 244 says:

... in a qualified-id of the form: the second class-name is looked up in the same scope as the first.

But if the reference is "p->X::~X()", the first class-name is looked up in two places (normal lookup and a lookup in the class of p). Does the new wording mean:

  1. You look up the second class-name in the scope that you found the first one.
  2. You look up the second class-name using the same kind of lookup that found the first one (normal vs. class).
  3. If you did a dual lookup for the first you do a dual lookup for the second.

This is a test case that illustrates the issue:

  struct A {
    typedef A C;

  typedef A B;

  void f(B* bp) {
    bp->B::~B();  // okay B found by normal lookup
    bp->C::~C();  // okay C found by class lookup
    bp->B::~C();  // B found by normal lookup C by class -- okay?
    bp->C::~B();  // C found by class lookup B by normal -- okay?

A second issue concerns destructor references when the class involved is a template class.

  namespace N {
    template <typename T> struct S {

  void f(N::S<int>* s) {

The issue here is that the grammar uses "~class-name" for destructor names, but in this case S is a template name when looked up in N.

Finally, what about cases like:

  template <typename T> void f () {
    typename T::B x;
    x.template A<T>::template B<T>::~B();

When parsing the template definition, what checks can be done on "~B"?

Sandor Mathe adds :

The standard correction for issue 244 (now in DR status) is still incomplete.

Paragraph 5 of 6.5.5 [basic.lookup.qual] is not applicable for p->T::~T since there is no nested-name-specifier. Section _N4868_.6.5.6 [basic.lookup.classref] describes the lookup of p->~T but p->T::~T is still not described. There are examples (which are non-normative) that illustrate this sort of lookup but they still leave questions unanswered. The examples imply that the name after ~ should be looked up in the same scope as the name before the :: but it is not stated. The problem is that the name to the left of the :: can be found in two different scopes. Consider the following:

  struct S {
    struct C { ~C() { } };

  typedef S::C D;

  int main() {
    D* p;
    p->C::~D();  // valid?

Should the destructor call be valid? If there were a nested name specifier, then D should be looked for in the same scope as C. But here, C is looked for in 2 different ways. First, it is searched for in the type of the left hand side of -> and it is also looked for in the lexical context. It is found in one or if both, they must match. So, C is found in the scope of what p points at. Do you only look for D there? If so, this is invalid. If not, you would then look for D in the context of the expression and find it. They refer to the same underlying destructor so this is valid. The intended resolution of the original defect report of the standard was that the name before the :: did not imply a scope and you did not look for D inside of C. However, it was not made clear whether this was to be resolved by using the same lookup mechanism or by introducing a new form of lookup which is to look in the left hand side if that is where C was found, or in the context of the expression if that is where C was found. Of course, this begs the question of what should happen when it is found in both? Consider the modification to the above case when C is also found in the context of the expression. If you only look where you found C, is this now valid because it is in 1 of the two scopes or is it invalid because C was in both and D is only in 1?

  struct S {
    struct C { ~C() { } };

  typedef S::C D;
  typedef S::C C;

  int main() {
    D* p;
    p->C::~D();  // valid?

I agree that the intention of the committee is that the original test case in this defect is broken. The standard committee clearly thinks that the last name before the last :: does not induce a new scope which is our current interpretation. However, how this is supposed to work is not defined. This needs clarification of the standard.

Martin Sebor adds this example (September 2003), along with errors produced by the EDG front end:

namespace N {
    struct A { typedef A NA; };
    template <class T> struct B { typedef B NB; typedef T BT; };
    template <template <class> class T> struct C { typedef C NC; typedef T<A> CA; };

void foo (N::A *p)
    p->~NA ();
    p->NA::~NA ();

template <class T>
void foo (N::B<T> *p)
    p->~NB ();
    p->NB::~NB ();

template <class T>
void foo (typename N::B<T>::BT *p)
    p->~BT ();
    p->BT::~BT ();

template <template <class> class T>
void foo (N::C<T> *p)
    p->~NC ();
    p->NC::~NC ();

template <template <class> class T>
void foo (typename N::C<T>::CA *p)
    p->~CA ();
    p->CA::~CA ();

Edison Design Group C/C++ Front End, version 3.3 (Sep  3 2003 11:54:55)
Copyright 1988-2003 Edison Design Group, Inc.

"t.cpp", line 16: error: invalid destructor name for type "N::B<T>"
      p->~NB ();

"t.cpp", line 17: error: qualifier of destructor name "N::B<T>::NB" does not
          match type "N::B<T>"
      p->NB::~NB ();

"t.cpp", line 30: error: invalid destructor name for type "N::C<T>"
      p->~NC ();

"t.cpp", line 31: error: qualifier of destructor name "N::C<T>::NC" does not
          match type "N::C<T>"
      p->NC::~NC ();

4 errors detected in the compilation of "t.cpp".

John Spicer: The issue here is that we're unhappy with the destructor names when doing semantic analysis of the template definitions (not during an instantiation).

My personal feeling is that this is reasonable. After all, why would you call p->~NB for a class that you just named as N::B<T> and you could just say p->~B?

Additional note (September, 2004)

The resolution for issue 244 removed the discussion of p->N::~S, where N is a namespace-name. However, the resolution did not make this construct ill-formed; it simply left the semantics undefined. The meaning should either be defined or the construct made ill-formed.

See also issues 305 and 466.

Additional note, November, 2014:

Here are some additional examples that should be addressed by the resolution of this issue:

   namespace N {
     template<typename T> struct E {};
     typedef E<int> F;
   namespace M {
     typedef N::F H;
   void g(N::F f) {
     typedef N::F G;
     f.G::~E(); // #1
     f.G::~F(); // #2
     f.G::~G(); // #3
     f.N::F::~E(); // #4
     f.N::F::~F(); // #5
     f.N::F::~G(); // #6
     f.M::H::~E(); // #7
     f.M::H::~F(); // #8
     f.M::H::~G(); // #9
     f.M::H::~H(); // #10