This is an unofficial snapshot of the ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG21 Core Issues List revision 116c. See for the official list.


371. Interleaving of constructor calls

Section:  [basic.start.static]     Status: open     Submitter: Matt Austern     Date: 7 August 2002

Is a compiler allowed to interleave constructor calls when performing dynamic initialization of nonlocal objects? What I mean by interleaving is: beginning to execute a particular constructor, then going off and doing something else, then going back to the original constructor. I can't find anything explicit about this in [basic.start.static].

I'll present a few different examples, some of which get a bit wild. But a lot of what this comes down to is exactly what the standard means when it talks about the order of initialization. If it says that some object x must be initialized before a particular event takes place, does that mean that x's constructor must be entered before that event, or does it mean that it must be exited before that event? If object x must be initialized before object y, does that mean that x's constructor must exit before y's constructor is entered?

(The answer to that question might just be common sense, but I couldn't find an answer in [basic.start.static]. Actually, when I read [basic.start.static] carefully, I find there are a lot of things I took for granted that aren't there.)

OK, so a few specific scenerios.

  1. We have a translation unit with nonlocal objects A and B, both of which require dynamic initialization. A comes before B. A must be initialized before B. May the compiler start to construct A, get partway through the constructor, then construct B, and then go back to finishing A?
  2. We have a translation unit with nonlocal object A and function f. Construction of A is deferred until after the first statement of main. A must be constructed before the first use of f. Is the compiler permitted to start constructing A, then execute f, then go back to constructing A?
  3. We have nonlocal objects A and B, in two different translation units. The order in which A and B are constructed is unspecified by the Standard. Is the compiler permitted to begin constructing A, then construct B, then finish A's constructor? Note the implications of a 'yes' answer. If A's and B's constructor both call some function f, then the call stack might look like this:
       <runtime gunk>
         <Enter A's constructor>
            <Enter f>
               <runtime gunk>
                  <Enter B's constructor>
                     <Enter f>
                     <Leave f>
                  <Leave B's constructor>
            <Leave f>
         <Leave A's constructor>
    The implication of a 'yes' answer for users is that any function called by a constructor, directly or indirectly, must be reentrant.
  4. This last example is to show why a 'no' answer to #3 might be a problem too. New scenerio: we've got one translation unit containing a nonlocal object A and a function f1, and another translation unit containing a nonlocal object B and a function f2. A's constructor calls f2. Initialization of A and B is deferred until after the first statement of main(). Someone in main calls f1. Question: is the compiler permitted to start constructing A, then go off and construct B at some point before f2 gets called, then go back and finish constructing A? In fact, is the compiler required to do that? We've got an unpleasant tension here between the bad implications of a 'yes' answer to #3, and the explicit requirement in [basic.start.static] paragraph 3.

At this point, you might be thinking we could avoid all of this nonsense by removing compilers' freedom to defer initialization until after the beginning of main(). I'd resist that, for two reasons. First, it would be a huge change to make after the standard has been out. Second, that freedom is necessary if we want to have support for dynamic libraries. I realize we don't yet say anything about dynamic libraries, but I'd hate to make decisions that would make such support even harder.