This is an unofficial snapshot of the ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG21 Core Issues List revision 116c. See for the official list.
(From submission #670.)
template <template <typename> class TT>
void f() { TT x(42); } // #1
template <typename T> struct A { A(T); };
void g() { f<A>(); }
Using a template template parameter should not enable class template argument deduction at #1. However, while the normative rules are clear, all implementations accept the code above, but fail (sometimes spectacularly) when parsing situations involving alias templates:
template <typename T> struct A { A(T); }; template <typename T, template <typename> class TT = A> using Alias = TT<T>; template <typename T> using Alias2 = Alias<T>; void h() { Alias2 a(42); } void h2() { Alias a(42); }
Possible resolution:
Change in [dcl.type.simple] paragraph 3 and add numbered paragraphs as follows:
(3) A placeholder-type-specifier is a placeholder for a type to be deduced ( []).
(4) A type-specifier of the form
typename/opt nested-name-specifier/opt template-nameis a placeholder for a deduced class type ( [dcl.type.class.deduct]). The nested-name-specifier, if any, shall be non-dependent and the template-name shall name a deducible template. A deducible template is either a class template or is an alias template whose defining-type-id is of the form typenameopt nested-name-specifieropt templateopt simple-template-id where the nested-name-specifier (if any) is non-dependent and the template-name of the simple-template-id names a deducible template. [Note: A template template parameter (13.2 [temp.param]) does not name a deducible template. -- end note] [Note: An injected-class-name is never interpreted as a template-name in contexts where class template argument deduction would be performed (13.8.2 [temp.local]). —end note](5) The other simple-type-specifiers specify either a previously-declared type, a type determined from an expression, or one of the fundamental types (6.8.2 [basic.fundamental]).
(6)Table 17 summarizes the valid combinations of simple-type-specifier s and the types they specify.