This is an unofficial snapshot of the ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG21 Core Issues List revision 116c. See for the official list.


2947. Limiting macro expansion in pp-module

Section: 15.4  [cpp.module]     Status: open     Submitter: Jason Merrill     Date: 2024-10-29


  #define DOT_BAR .bar
  export module foo DOT_BAR;

The current rules appear to make this valid, referring to module in phase 7. This ought to be ill-formed to align with the goal of keeping module directives parsable by simple tools.

Possible resolution:

  1. Change in 15.4 [cpp.module] paragraph 1 as follows:

          exportopt module pp-tokensopt ; new-line
  2. Delete 15.4 [cpp.module] paragraph 3 as follows:

    Any preprocessing tokens after the module preprocessing token in the module directive are processed just as in normal text. [Note 1: Each identifier currently defined as a macro name is replaced by its replacement list of preprocessing tokens. —end note]
  3. Change in 15.4 [cpp.module] paragraph 4 as follows:

    The module and export (if it exists) preprocessing tokens are replaced by the module-keyword and export-keyword preprocessing tokens respectively. [Note: This makes the line no longer a directive so it is not removed at the end of phase 4. —end note] After this replacement, the preprocessing tokens that constituted the directive are a text-line and are processed as normal text. [Note: No macro expansion is possible for the pp-module-name and pp-module-partition. -- end note] Processing the remainder of the input shall produce a ; or [ preprocessing token following the pp-module-name and optional pp-module-partition.
  4. Add 15.4 [cpp.module] paragraph 5 with examples:

    [ Example:
      #define DOT_BAR .bar
      export module foo DOT_BAR;   // error: expansion of DOT_BAR; does not begin with ; or [

    -- end example ]

    [ Example:

      #define MOD_ATTR [[vendor::shiny_module]]
      export module M MOD_ATTR ;        // OK

    -- end example ]

    [ Example:

      export module a
      .b;                         // error: preprocessing token after pp-module-name is not ; or [

    -- end example ]

    [ Example:

      export module M [[
      attr2 ]] ;                 // OK

    -- end example ]

    [ Example:

      export module M
      [[ attr1,
      attr2 ]] ;                 // OK

    -- end example ]

    [ Example:

      export module M; int
      n;                         // OK

    -- end example ]