This is an unofficial snapshot of the ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG21 Core Issues List revision 116b. See for the official list.
template<typename T> int f(T *tp) { return tp->x; } static union { int x = f(this); };
According to 11.5.2 [class.union.anon] paragraph 1:
... The names of the members of an anonymous union are bound in the scope inhabited by the union declaration.
Thus, the example above is ill-formed, because the member names are not bound in the scope of the class of the anonymous union. However, there is implementation divergence: clang and gcc accept the example (contrary to the wording), icc rejects. Notwithstanding, this refers to the anonymous union itself, not to an enclosing class, per 7.5.3 [expr.prim.this]. This rule causes rejection of
struct A {
int foo();
union { int x = foo(); }; // error
A a;
Alternatively, this could be made to refer to the enclosing class object (already the status quo for some implementations). However, that would cause inconsistent treatment for examples like the following:
struct A {
int n;
union {
void *p = this; // A*
struct B {
int n;
union {
void *p = this; // decltype(u)*
} u;
Possible resolution: