This is an unofficial snapshot of the ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG21
Core Issues List revision 116b.
See for the official
Implicit conversion sequence with a null pointer constant
Section: []
Status: open
Submitter: Lénárd Szolnoki
Date: 2023-01-07
Subclause [] paragraph 1, as modified by
issue 2525, claims that only the type,
cv-qualification, and value category of the argument are relevant in
forming an implicit conversion sequence. This is inaccurate for the
following situations:
- A literal 0 can be implicitly converted to a parameter of
type void* (and in practice, an implicit conversion sequence
does exist), yet the literal 0 has the same type,
cv-qualification, and value category as the literal 1 despite
no such implicit conversion being allowed for the latter.
- An initializer list does not have a type, cv-qualification, or
value category at all.
- An overload set does not have a single (function) type.