This is an unofficial snapshot of the ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG21 Core Issues List revision 116b. See for the official list.


1616. Disambiguation parsing and template parameters

Section: 8.9  [stmt.ambig]     Status: CD6     Submitter: Johannes Schaub     Date: 2013-02-01

[Accepted at the November, 2020 meeting as part of paper P1787R6 and moved to DR at the February, 2021 meeting.]

According to 8.9 [stmt.ambig] paragraph 3,

The disambiguation is purely syntactic; that is, the meaning of the names occurring in such a statement, beyond whether they are type-names or not, is not generally used in or changed by the disambiguation. Class templates are instantiated as necessary to determine if a qualified name is a type-name. Disambiguation precedes parsing, and a statement disambiguated as a declaration may be an ill-formed declaration. If, during parsing, a name in a template parameter is bound differently than it would be bound during a trial parse, the program is ill-formed. No diagnostic is required. [Note: This can occur only when the name is declared earlier in the declaration. —end note]

The statement about template parameters is confusing (and not helped by the fact that the example that follows illustrates the general rule for declarations and does not involve any template parameters). It is attempting to say that a program is ill-formed if a template argument of a class template specialization has a different value in the two parses. With decltype this can now apply to other kinds of templates as well, so the wording should be clarified and made more general.