This is an unofficial snapshot of the ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG21 Core Issues List revision 115c. See for the official list.


1485. Out-of-class definition of member unscoped opaque enumeration

Section: 9.7.1  [dcl.enum]     Status: drafting     Submitter: Richard Smith     Date: 2012-03-26

The scope in which the names of enumerators are entered for a member unscoped opaque enumeration is not clear. According to 9.7.1 [dcl.enum] paragraph 10,

Each enum-name and each unscoped enumerator is declared in the scope that immediately contains the enum-specifier.

In the case of a member opaque enumeration defined outside its containing class, however, it is not clear whether the enumerator names are declared in the class scope or in the lexical scope containing the definition. Declaring them in the class scope would be a violation of 11.4 [class.mem] paragraph 1:

The member-specification in a class definition declares the full set of members of the class; no member can be added elsewhere.

Declaring the names in the lexical scope containing the definition would be contrary to the example in [temp.mem.enum] paragraph 1:

  template<class T> struct A {
    enum E : T;
  A<int> a;
  template<class T> enum A<T>::E : T { e1, e2 };
  A<int>::E e = A<int>::e1;

There also appear to be problems with the rules for dependent types and members of the current instantiation.

Notes from the October, 2012 meeting:

CWG agreed that an unscoped opaque enumeration in class scope should be forbidden.