This is an unofficial snapshot of the ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG21 Core Issues List revision 116b. See for the official list.
[Moved to DR at the April, 2013 meeting.]
The example in 9.12.4 [dcl.attr.depend] paragraph 4 reads,
/* Translation unit A. */ struct foo { int* a; int* b; }; std::atomic<struct foo *> foo_head[10]; int foo_array[10][10]; [[carries_dependency]] struct foo* f(int i) { return foo_head[i].load(memory_order_consume); } [[carries_dependency]] int g(int* x, int* y) { return kill_dependency(foo_array[*x][*y]); } /* Translation unit B. */ [[carries_dependency]] struct foo* f(int i); [[carries_dependency]] int* g(int* x, int* y); int c = 3; void h(int i) { struct foo* p; p = f(i); do_something_with(g(&c, p->a)); do_something_with(g(p->a, &c)); }
There appear to be two errors in this example. First, g is declared as returning int in TU A but int* in TU B. Second, paragraph 6 says,
Function g's second argument has a carries_dependency attribute
but that is not reflected in the example.
Proposed resolution (August, 2012):
Change the example in 9.12.4 [dcl.attr.depend] paragraph 4 as follows:
/* Translation unit A. */ struct foo { int* a; int* b; }; std::atomic<struct foo *> foo_head[10]; int foo_array[10][10]; [[carries_dependency]] struct foo* f(int i) { return foo_head[i].load(memory_order_consume); }[[carries_dependency]]int g(int* x, int* y [[carries_dependency]]) { return kill_dependency(foo_array[*x][*y]); } /* Translation unit B. */ [[carries_dependency]] struct foo* f(int i);[[carries_dependency]] int*int g(int* x, int* y [[carries_dependency]]); int c = 3; void h(int i) { struct foo* p; p = f(i); do_something_with(g(&c, p->a)); do_something_with(g(p->a, &c)); }
Change 9.12.4 [dcl.attr.depend] paragraph 6 as follows:
Function g's secondargumentparameter has a carries_dependency attribute, but its firstargumentparameter does not. Therefore, function h's first call to g carries a dependency into g, but its second call does not. The implementation might need to insert a fence prior to the second call to g.