This is an unofficial snapshot of the ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG21 Core Issues List revision 116b. See for the official list.
[Moved to DR at the October, 2012 meeting.]
Both paragraphs 3 and 4 (for non-aggregate and aggregate types, respectively) of [over.ics.list] say that the implicit conversion sequence is a user-defined conversion sequence, but neither specifies that the second standard conversion sequence is the identity conversion, as is presumably intended. This makes ranking by [over.ics.rank] bullet 3.2 unncessarily unclear.
Proposed resolution (February, 2012):
Change [over.ics.list] paragraphs 3-4 as follows:
Otherwise, if the parameter is a non-aggregate class X and overload resolution per [over.match.list] chooses a single best constructor of X to perform the initialization of an object of type X from the argument initializer list, the implicit conversion sequence is a user-defined conversion sequence with the second standard conversion sequence an identity conversion. If multiple constructors are viable but none is better than the others, the implicit conversion sequence is the ambiguous conversion sequence...
Otherwise, if the parameter has an aggregate type which can be initialized from the initializer list according to the rules for aggregate initialization (9.4.2 [dcl.init.aggr]), the implicit conversion sequence is a user-defined conversion sequence with the second standard conversion sequence an identity conversion. [Example:...