This is an unofficial snapshot of the ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG21 Core Issues List revision 116b. See for the official list.
Consider the following example:
struct A { virtual void f() { /* base */ } }; struct B : virtual A { virtual void f() { /* derived */ } }; template<typename T> struct C : virtual A, T { void g() { this->f(); } }; int main() { C<B> c; c.g(); }
This is reasonable C++03 code that is invalidated by the resolution of issue 1043. In the presence of virtual non-dependent base classes and other dependent base classes, one cannot rely on something being found for real when doing the lookup in the instantiation context (therefore, one cannot know whether a "typename" is actually valid or not, without knowing all dependent base classes).
Rationale (August, 2011):
This example is not sufficient motivation to revisit the outcome of issue 1043. ((T*)this)->f() can be used to allow lookup in a dependent base.