This is an unofficial snapshot of the ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG21 Core Issues List revision 116b. See for the official list.
[Voted into the WP at the November, 2010 meeting.]
N3092 comment GB 7The current wording of 6.9.1 [intro.execution] paragraph 6 could be read as saying that any signal would leave the program in an unspecified state after completing.
Proposed resolution (August, 2010):
Change 6.9.1 [intro.execution] paragraph 6 as follows:
When the processing of the abstract machine is interrupted by receipt of a signal, the values of objects which are neither
of type volatile std::sig_atomic_t nor
lock-free atomic objects (32.5.5 [atomics.lockfree])
are unspecified during the execution of the signal handler, and the value of any object not in either of these two categories that is modified by the handler becomes undefined.