This is an unofficial snapshot of the ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG21 Core Issues List revision 116b. See for the official list.


1128. attribute-specifiers in decl-specifier-seqs

Section: 9.2  [dcl.spec]     Status: C++11     Submitter: US     Date: 2010-08-02

[Voted into the WP at the November, 2010 meeting.]

N3092 comment US 39

The current wording of 9.2 [dcl.spec] paragraph 1 says,

The optional attribute-specifier in a decl-specifier-seq appertains to the type determined by the decl-specifier-seq (9.3.4 [dcl.meaning]).

However, decl-specifier-seq is a recursive production. The intent is that the attribute-specifier appertains to the type determined by the top-level decl-specifier-seq, but this makes it sound as if it appertains to the one that directly contains the attribute-specifier.

Proposed resolution (August, 2010):

Change 9.2 [dcl.spec] paragraph 1 as follows:

The optional attribute-specifier in a decl-specifier-seq appertains to the type determined by the decl-specifier-seq preceding decl-specifiers (9.3.4 [dcl.meaning]).